Archived X Men First Class Unavailable

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Jun 11, 2011
Did anyone get "X-Men First Class"? It went on sale today but the store didn't have it. Was there a workbench message about it? I tried logging on to workbench but it was unavailable.
The guests tell me that no Target (in the area) has it. I know several in my district did not.
Ditto to that. It seems that our whole district showed a 0 count for both the xmen dvd and blu ray.
All this time spent on pushing attachments, extras, etc. and corporate cant even make sure they get street dated stuff to the store in time. Talk about an opportunity. *Face Palm*
Not only did we get but my store had a copy requisitioned and we were watching it in the break room.
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We had a few dozen copies.

They failed us on the gaming side though, they sent us ONE copy of Starfox and no red 3DS.
Dang sucks for ya'll I got a crap ton of x-men both blu-ray and reg dvd and got the Starfox 64

But my question is do new releases come out on CAFs because I saw the last one get sold way before the 7 O'clocks and then a guest asked if we had more and when I checked we had a whole bunch left...
But my question is do new releases come out on CAFs because I saw the last one get sold way before the 7 O'clocks and then a guest asked if we had more and when I checked we had a whole bunch left...

Same here. Probably because it was flexed onto New Releases and won't be tied on the sales floor until Tuesday. Better keep an eye on it this weekend!
We must of had it at our stores, because it seemed like every other person coming thru my lines was purchasing it.
We got a ************TON of them for some reason, and even though the release date was Friday it's not set to go on the shelf until next week. Me and the other team members decided that was BS and have been selling them from behind the counter, _as the Target release date is friday_.
But my question is do new releases come out on CAFs because I saw the last one get sold way before the 7 O'clocks and then a guest asked if we had more and when I checked we had a whole bunch left...

Wait...what? A new release got sold at your store before street date? That's not even possible because it's POS hardlocked until the street date... and the LOD/GSTL gets an alert if a new release is even scanned at the register...
Not all are hardlocked, I don't think.....BUT there are definitely alerts and emails flying around when they are sold before street date. I must not be reading something right.
It's old news now, but the street date was for Sept. 9th. We flexed the new release E/C until the following street date revision set. We had to fill as needed all weekend.
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