Archived You can keep tips not

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Jan 26, 2013
Just saw on workbench that you can't keep unsolicited tips from guests and the lod can't force you to turn it in
Dunno about that last part but,

Welcome to the Machine!
I always liked this time of year, GSTL:"Cart Attendant is on break, anyone avaliable for a carry out?" Me:"I'll be on the way!". I call it getting a raise for the day.
I understood it as you must inform the guest of the policy and I guess kindly reject the tip. But if the guest still insists even afterwards and just leaves it you must inform the LOD and if you have a reasonable LOD they’ll allow you to keep it. But ASANTS.
I understood it as you must inform the guest of the policy and I guess kindly reject the tip. But if the guest still insists even afterwards and just leaves it you must inform the LOD and if you have a reasonable LOD they’ll allow you to keep it. But ASANTS.
Honestly no camera in the lot can pick up if you told the guess no or not
I was never told to not take tips, so if any ever asked I'd tell them "I didn't know, won't happen again", I haven't had to do a carry out this season so I haven't been afforded this oppurtunity, I hope AP has bigger fish to fry at my store than me getting 2 bucks for busting my ass lifting a desk into a guest's car
Just saw on workbench that you can't keep unsolicited tips from guests and the lod can't force you to turn it in
Didn't say anything about solicited tips, "Yes, I can help you out to your car with that, for the low, low price of just 5 dollars! That's right! I'll do the heavy lifting, you save your back for only 5 bucks!"
I go by a "don't ask don't tell" when it comes to tips. Having said that, if you don't at least try and say'll be caught eventually.
Didn't say anything about solicited tips, "Yes, I can help you out to your car with that, for the low, low price of just 5 dollars! That's right! I'll do the heavy lifting, you save your back for only 5 bucks!"

And you can take me home for $100!
Didn't say anything about solicited tips, "Yes, I can help you out to your car with that, for the low, low price of just 5 dollars! That's right! I'll do the heavy lifting, you save your back for only 5 bucks!"
Lol who does that
I've accepted a $2 tip... and a quarter for a tip. $2 was outside, and the quarter was because I talked to someone at SCO and me and him were really cool and really vibed and he got some change back and he gave me a quarter for being cool.
I go by a "don't ask don't tell" when it comes to tips.

A tip for you, m'lady!

I understood it as you must inform the guest of the policy and I guess kindly reject the tip. But if the guest still insists even afterwards and just leaves it you must inform the LOD and if you have a reasonable LOD they’ll allow you to keep it. But ASANTS.

The Workbench thing I read specifically stated that the LOD is not allowed to demand you hand over the tip.
Like, WTF are they gonna do with it? Put it in the day's deposit??
Working at FS, always told the guests no. I helped with a carry out once, the man tried putting two twenties in my hand. Kindly declined, sigh lol. My home would probably use it towards the recognition account or something similar.
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