
  1. Bullseyerc

    Archived Your STL.

    How do you feel about them? I feel ours at our store is great but we never see much of them.
  2. Kaitii

    Archived STL Watching TMs Via Camera

    So apparently my STL has been checking the cameras a lot lately in order to catch loafers. What are your thoughts on this? Honestly I think it's...a little weird to just be constantly watched like that. And I don't even know what she counts as "loafing." She's really chatty and talks up TLs ans...
  3. C

    Archived Gay/ lesbian/ LGBT - any ETLs, STLs, DTLs, or higher?

    I am genuinely curious if anyone has come across any members of the LGBT community in Target leadership. In my district, it would appear everyone is predominately white and predominately straight -- as in, everyone is white and straight, and there are a few Asians mixed in there. What have your...
  4. Catfish Rita

    Archived The Pipeline

    Hi leaders/other people reading this thread! Kind and fabulous Cashier/Hardlines TM here... I was recently approached by my ETL, and she along with the STL claim I would be a good fit for the Pipeline program. She seriously was asking me if I wanted to spend the next few decades with Target...
  5. A

    Archived Pulls taking over

    At my store a few of my ETLs like to make us push the line for hours when they are LOD. Usually its when our STL is in, actually. Hours pushing takes over hours in my zone, so when i come back the zone is even worse than when i was trying to get it back together before(not only me also my...
  6. 7

    Archived Is there a way to go over the STL?

    Recently in our store out west, there was a STL who was moved into our store who is very rude to guests, condescending to employees and doesn't seem to know what he is doing. Is there a way to talk to the district or regional manager about this?
  7. E

    Archived How does one become a STL?

    How do you become a Store team leader? I swear ours Is In her early to mid 30's only. Seems pretty young to be a STL.