Archived 5 year anniversary at Target

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Jun 18, 2018
In a few months my 5 year anniversary at Target is coming. Do I get any sort of bonus,?

I seem to recall receiving a $25 gift card. It was unexpected and a nice surprise. But I'm not sure I'd get it today - things have changed. :-(
That’s for 10 years. 5 is a pen or watch. Or recently I’ve seen $25.
Well maybe at your store . We recently had a meeting and one of our tl been with us for 5 years got a 50$ gift card and the srtl got 250$ for his 25th anniversary
It was $25 at 5, $50 at 10 and $75 at 15. At 5 I felt valued but at 10 and 15, it was just another day. Took them 2 months after my anniversary for the leads to give me the award. The store gets the award in their mail and then they sign and give it back to you.
I got a $25 gift card and a non-personal congratulations card from leadership. Also I didn't get my certificate and gift card for 2-3 months.
I got a $5 gift card last year for 5 years. Another tm hit her 15 that same time and she got a $15 gift card.
Just hit my 4th year - I got the same thing I received my first year. I'll list it below...
If I recall right I also got a free gift for a certain amount at BullseyeShop when I hit 5 but by 10, it was just a gift card. Somewhere in between they had to start taxing on gifts so they became less generous on a number of things.
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