I am no backroom TM, but I'm Elec TM, and I pull, backstock and do batches for elec and ent. The first time I did a lot of batches I made 12 baffles, and lets just say BR-ETL was not happy. After that, I try to be 100% on the reports, but sometimes we all make a mistakes. :girl_mad:
This morning I saw the report for thew last week, and I had 6 baffles, but I don't know from where? All I know, I pulled a lot from 'open stock' locations, and then press 'Y', after I checked there is no more that DPCI in that location. Can that be a reason?
Can somebody give me some advice how to stay 100%. I would ask my backroom TLs, or ETL, but their communications skills are not that good. :wizard:
2 things I want to make sure are clear to you (for some reason, this went right over my head in the beginning...sorry if I'm stating something you already know.
1. A baffle is when there is an item sitting in a location and the system doesn't realize it's there; a ghost location
is where the system thinks there is an item sitting in a location, but when you look, it isn't there.
2. When you are asked "Did you pull all of this item from the location?" it means that the number you typed in
exceeds the number that the system thinks is sitting in a location. To me, I feel, intuitively, that that question
should be asked when you type in a number that is less than what the system thinks is there, but that is
so, again, when you get that question, it means you are subtracting more than what the system thinks is available(or you are pulling an assortment, but lets not worry about that right now), so that would create a baffle. Are you positive you're not pulling more than what the system is telling you to pull?
If you are, lets say pulling 5 Xboxes for an endcap and you go back, see 5 of them and pull them and the system asks you if you pulled all of them from the location, that typically means that the system thought there were less than 5 Xboxes there. If that happens, make sure everything you've subtracted has the right DPCI. If you notice you pulled one with a different DPCI, go back, correct your counts and the PDA will be happy.
One thing to keep in mind, say the TM who backstocked those Xboxes hits the wrong button and types in 4 instead of 5. When you go and subtract 5, that will create a baffle, even if you've done nothing wrong.
That being said, you're new at this, so more than likely it is your mistakes that are creating the errors. Just be sure you are counting correctly when pulling batches or subtracting. Double check yourself. If you're sure your counting correctly, hit "y" with confidence.