TMs who are paid significantly higher than current minimum &/or have health benefits are usually performanced out.
It starts small by getting coached for petty things that never mattered before & other TMs don't get disciplined for, gradually building up to a long list while mentally browbeating you until you're on edge & it begins to impact your work. You noticed that you are singled out for this treatment & discipline is not evenly enforced.
When it reaches that point, you're pulled in & questioned about your sliding performance. Attempting to point out the petty actions leading up to it will get you punished for insubordination & a poor attitude.
You may also be labeled a trouble-maker & accused of spreading poor morale.
If you try to stick it out, they will make your work life hell until they find something to term you for or until you quit.
Transferring isn't an option as they'll deny it because they 'don't want to give their problem to another store.'
If you stick it out until you're termed, they'll deny unemployment based on all the actions used to tear you down.
If you quit, your only recourse is the hotline but you'll be labeled a 'disgruntled former employee' with an axe to grind.
Either way, you'll be marked red for rehire based on the file they accumulated.