Archived BTS results?

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Oct 16, 2017
Has anyone heard about the results from their Best Team Survey? It’s been about a month now since we have done ours and I feel like they were a bit more timely in the past, but I could be wrong. Just curious what other DC’s are doing to change morale because it seems like majority voted negative, that’s the case at mine anyhow.
Yeah should be soon. Ours is going to be awful. After the crap shoot that was last year and that in spite of it we're still woefully unprepared for this one.
My OM told us our overall results were largely positive (at least relative to years past) but B1 was incredibly negative. Didnt help that it was the first year in a long time they tried to not give everyone a raise. The same year we were the most profitable ever.
… and another one pulled back to the top.

bwahaah HRBP slid into the store a day or so ago. now the DTL and HRBP pop in to go over the BTS results but not all the ETLs are there nor is the STL. Might be nothing to that or the fecal matter is about to hit the spinning blades for the second year in a row.
They lied and said ours was all positive...89 percent...everyone i talked to voted negatively all the way down...and i talked to aware theyre not giving the real results raise endless ot and they send us home when we come in...screw em
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