Calling AP anonymously

Sep 25, 2019
For the SCO folks: why not establish a code directly to AP to summon them ASAP. Doing this so the thief has no idea what you're doing would prevent lots of thefts. Set up a unique code, or code word identifying an issue at SCO, then nail the SOB!
Excellent. I didn't know. My shift was generally overnights so no real customer contact, thankfully. I'm on the outside looking in now. As an outsider who frequently shops in the sister store of the one on Neptune, I see more things than I did before.
I wonder how many things go on when I'm furiously unboxing merch... where I am too occupied to notice what's going on in my zone... or when I'm in the back room. Maybe I find 1-2 empty packages a week working 5 4 hour or so shifts.
Since they did away with a dedicated fitting room attendant, I really don't have the time or inclination to worry too much about theft. If I happen to notice a sketchy person going in, or a group, I will hang around a bit to let them know someone is watching, and wait for them to come out. It's honestly more so I can keep up with the go-backs and maybe guilt them into bringing out their merch instead of leaving it all over the floor in a stall, but it also works to deter a bit of theft.

If I find something other than loose tags, like empty electronics packages, I will alert AP. But I'm not getting worked up over it - if the company doesn't think the fitting rooms need monitoring, then so be it.
Since they did away with a dedicated fitting room attendant, I really don't have the time or inclination to worry too much about theft. If I happen to notice a sketchy person going in, or a group, I will hang around a bit to let them know someone is watching, and wait for them to come out. It's honestly more so I can keep up with the go-backs and maybe guilt them into bringing out their merch instead of leaving it all over the floor in a stall, but it also works to deter a bit of theft.

If I find something other than loose tags, like empty electronics packages, I will alert AP. But I'm not getting worked up over it - if the company doesn't think the fitting rooms need monitoring, then so be it.

How this has changed. Ten years ago, it was threats of severe punishment if you were away from the desk too long back there. Sigh. And heaven forbid you have someone to help you sort.
Well, my store is different, at least if you are scheduled at SCO. They basically don't want you to call AP directly, first we are always told to call a team lead first, who then decides if they want to call AP.