Archived Can a TPS make a stop?

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May 15, 2018
I'm 99% sure on this. Today my APTL and myself, a TPS, had selection and concealment on 2 subjects. While my APTL was at the fitting room checking for empty packages, I observed the subjects moving towards the exit. My APTL instructed me to go ahead and make the stop while he caught up with me. I know TPS cant make stops on their own. I am NOT senior TPS. What if my leader instructs me too?

I just maintained presence at the door, so a potential APP turned into a KTR/PMR.
Have you been apprehension certified? Then no. To my knowledge, the most a TPS can do is assist with an apprehension even if they have been fully trained in NVI and apprehension techniques.
No. How new is your APTL? Unless you are apprehension certified (as a TPS you are not), there is no situation where you can initiate a stop. If you followed through, you would very likely not have a job and neither would your APTL. Even if you wrote it up as your APTL initiated, AP Oversight can check these things and find a uniformed TPS initiating an apprehension. There is nothing worth this risk, you did the right thing. Your APTL should pay the consequences for even suggesting initiating an apprehension.
Exactly what I thought. I have assisted in many stops but of course I am not able to initiate them. My APTL is fairly new to Target, but has worked LP for years. Guess I should have a convo with the APBP. Thanks!
It used to be okay for a non-SR TPS to make the initial stop if instructed by someone that was app certified. I did it several times as a regular TPS. It was a grey area if the app certified person had to be there soon after in order to escort the person back to the office. Depended on who you asked.

Now it’s a definite no-no.

Also I would talk about the situation with your APTL first before going to the APBP. They probably just don’t know any better. If they give you push back on it then I would talk to the APBP.

Edit: I missed the part where you mentioned they were looking for the empty packages at the fitting room. That’s a tactic you can’t use at Target. Observation was lost.
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Back when I was last there (Nov 2017) it was clearly mentioned in the directives that a TPS is allowed to make initial contact (when directed by an app certified TM) with with subject if the app certified TM immediately arrives on scene after. If the app certified TM does not arrive immediately, you had to disengage. You are not allowed to start the walk toward the office.
In my cases, I would pop out from the corner and say something like “Target Security, I just need a second of your time” and by the time I was done with that, the APS would almost be at the doors.

I did this for about half of our apps.
This was allowed and listed under the FAQ portion (right side of page) of the directives page on apprehensions. The responsibility for the NPI still falls on the leader who instructed the TPS to make initial contact.

Although I would still use caution because your APTL sounds unfamiliar with Target policy regarding maintaining surveillance.
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