Archived Cosmetics research

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011
So my DTL says research cosmetics even if it isn't fully backstocked. My APBP says not to. Whose correct?
Whoever was in the store last lol....

In all honesty, It depends... If you are sure that the backstock isn't more than 24 hours old, I would say research is ok... If you can't be sure of that, then you should switch to scanning outs....
From my former experience as an HBA TL, your APBP is correct.
Whoever was in the store last lol....

In all honesty, It depends... If you are sure that the backstock isn't more than 24 hours old, I would say research is ok... If you can't be sure of that, then you should switch to scanning outs....

No research if the backstock is incomplete, challenge is not worked, zone is bad, reshop not worked or backroom location accuracy is red. Outs isn't supposed to be used unless you meet the criteria spelled out in the new best practice. Of course, this would mean that we'd never have to scan anything at our store just based on the crappy zone!
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