Cross training = Higher Paygrade?

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Jul 20, 2013
So I am cross training into Starbucks from Food ave. and was wondering if that meant I would be put on a higher pay grade? I know as a cashier I was PG3 then going into FA is was put on PG5 and starbucks is PG7.. just wondering if anyone has done this and if so did it up your pay and hours or just one or the other?
Make sure you ask them to change the paygrade because otherwise they might forget. If at least half of your hours are in the new work center, they should change it.
Thanks! I'm not sure how many of my hours will be Starbucks and how many will be FA.. Ill mostly be FA I believe. But will it be the same if I pick up apt of Starbuccks shifts or do I need to be scheduled in order for that to take effect?
If you are being crosstrained, you will not get more pay.

If you are being transferred to Starbucks, you should ask your HR about getting the payraise.

Please use the search function!
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