Archived Dealing with attitude problems

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Jul 22, 2014
Just curious how would you deal with an attitude issue? We have a couple team members who have been with our store over a decade and seem to have lost perspective. One always complains about how people arent trained and hours are always crap etc. They are older and have serious medical issues and they are usually grewt with guests. They just make an unfun environment for tms.

The other seems to be passive aggressive and cynical. Again great with guests but these recent changes with e2e have seemed to strike some sort of bitter well. They do their work like usual were a top performer but this attitude. As soon as they hit the floor they joke they want to go home. They seem to avoid lods and tls only saying the required hello or what not. They have had a tough year with personal issues but I feel like they are following them to work.

I understand where they are coming from but the behavior needs to be addressed just not sure how? any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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For the little bit of info presented, I would say just be concerned with yourself. Don't stir the pot.

If you are their fellow TM, and its just innocent and commonplace complaining let them gripe or let your TL handle it on their own time. TMs need to be allowed to let off steam.

Now if matters are presenting themselves to be abusive, trouble guests, or affecting work processes, bring it to your TLs attention.

TLs will or need to take the appropriate actions when dealing with certain matters.
Well the tl and vml have been asking tms about them and their attitude issues. Like asking if we know whats going on in their lives why they aren happy the usual. I dont want to get involved even though its known tms dont like working with them because of the griping. Personally I nod listen and sneak off to do my work when they wind down. Its the same crap every day thought its kind of exhausting.
You to crabby tms, "I'm sorry to hear that. What do you plan to do about that?" At best, it gives them something to think about. At worst, after hearing that a couple of times, they will leave you alone.

To TLs, "I don't really know Susie very well. I think you should have a talk with her yourself."
You to crabby tms, "I'm sorry to hear that. What do you plan to do about that?" At best, it gives them something to think about. At worst, after hearing that a couple of times, they will leave you alone.

To TLs, "I don't really know Susie very well. I think you should have a talk with her yourself."

Ths actually is perfect thank you!
Have to laugh at this since it's the flipside in my store; all these kids with their drama: the pouter who didn't get the shift she wanted, the emotional trainwreck who broke up with his girlfriend AGAIN, the jealous one whose boyfriend is flirting with a SLTM, the hungover one who can't hold her liquor, the facebook status queen who keeps rushing to the stock area/bathroom/lockers so she can update what she's doing every. single. moment.
If TL attempts to address any other their issues they feel like they're 'under attack' & go to pieces or want to know who's been talking about them.
And that, right there, is why I could never, ever be leadership in a retail environment. Too many people, literally and figuratively not out of high school, with all the drama to match.
I have tms that have attitude problems, that sometimes come out when dealing with guests as well. I have told them that when at work a certain level of decorum is expected of them. Even if they have to fake it.
They hate me .... but fake that smile now...
Have to laugh at this since it's the flipside in my store; all these kids with their drama: the pouter who didn't get the shift she wanted, the emotional trainwreck who broke up with his girlfriend AGAIN, the jealous one whose boyfriend is flirting with a SLTM, the hungover one who can't hold her liquor, the facebook status queen who keeps rushing to the stock area/bathroom/lockers so she can update what she's doing every. single. moment.
If TL attempts to address any other their issues they feel like they're 'under attack' & go to pieces or want to know who's been talking about them.
Wow, it’s almost like we work in the same store ;)

One of our guest surveys that got hung up on the wall had a comment about how one of our GS TMs continually trashes other TMs in front of guests, so that’s always nice!
We also had a GSA who pulled another GSA into 239 to ask if people were saying bad things about him behind his back. This was a frequent occurrence.
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