Archived donation guidelines

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Aug 22, 2013
so i ordered a little too much this week, and what happened was i had alot of bagged lettuce that was dated the day of and dated the day before. up to how many days can we donate "sell by" produce and bakery items?

My managers dont seem to know or go by the guidelines from what i saw. Our closer doesnt take down any meat if it doesnt sell on the sell by date so when i come in the next morning hamburger meat would be dated august 13th tomorrow morning.

My managers have yelled at me for tossing meat that was dated the day before. Should I still toss it?

I don't think i should listen to them and toss it all in the compacter because if corporate comes in or a store visit and they see frozen outdated meat in the freezer i feel i would be blamed even though my manager is telling me to donate it.

On another note, EVEN if i donate meat on the day of the sell by date, our donation pickup guys dont come in till 3 or 4 days later, so by the time they show up, that meat is long outdated in the freezer, but when they arrive they still pickup the meat and take it. Advice please?
Always donate over throwing it away. It's up to you to decide if you want to have lots of close dated stuff on the floor that people might not buy, or instead qmos it and put out some fresh stuff early.

As for meat, nobody is going to care if you have outdated meat in the freezer, as long as it's clearly in the designated donate area. The food bank will still take it and they'll decide at their facility what to keep and what to toss.
Freeze it then donate it. Once frozen it can hold for days to weeks. People who get donated meat know this(personal experience) that when its thawed it gets cooked. It will stay frozen at the food bank and odds are it will get even more frozen. Never seen meat so frozen than the stuff I got at the food bank. It was more like ice with some hamburger in it.
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