Archived eHR Issues

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Starbucks Barista
Jun 2, 2014
So I just hit the end of my first three months and it is requiring me to change my eHR password, which I hear is pretty normal. On mobile, I can log in with my old password but on the create a new password page, when I fill everything out and push the button to change my password, nothing happens. It's a dead link. On eHR in store, it won't allow me to lot in at all. Is there anyone I can call to try and fix this? I need to access on mobile today for necessary scheduling fixes because I think I may have conflicts.
Our store has a red phone in the breakroom that connects to an automated attendant that can help you change it step by step.
There is a number to call to reset your pass word. It's all automated. I forgot where the number is ??? If I remember right if you keep trying to reset in ehr and it doesn't work it will give you a number to call.
It will give you a temp password.
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