I have equal hours with the other team members in my department but I do roughly 80% of the attachments at times. (we track individual attachment sales) It's gotten to the point that I always try to do the majority of sales, and management likes to pull everyone but me out of the department. We are green YTD, and most of the time green WTD even when the majority of the district has been red. I've tracked my personal rate and it swings between 100-200%.
The reason any of this matters is everything is a matter of gauging the guests perception and needs. You need to be professional and convincing. The guest needs to trust you. Make sure to suggest items they may need after asking what they will use the device for. Don't hard sell, simply sell the value of the purchase. Pressuring the guest will almost always fail. Emphasize how much money they will save over time if possible. Talk about convenience of different attachments, the majority of guests are there for that exact reason to begin with!
An example of a typical sale for me:
*Guest is looking at wii demo display*
Hi, do you have any questions about the wii? Anything I can help you with?
Guest: Yes I'd like one.
Me: ok, would you like some additional controllers to play with friends?
Guest: I don't have any friends.... *sad face*
Me: I'll be your friend...
Guest: OK! can I have a couple?
Me: Were you interested in any games today? Zelda is good, mario is very popular and simple to play...
Guest: Yes, those sound great.
Me: Would you also like to protect the system from normal wear and tear, surge protection, and manufacturer defect for 2 years? it's 17 dollars.
Guest: Yes that's fine!
Bam 5 attachments on one transaction. I do it with nearly all consoles unless they are replacing a broken one in which case i usually only get an esp sale and sometimes a red card.
Also red cards. The key to getting them is simple.
Don't do this:
"Would you like to save 5% today by opening a redcard?"
"Would you like to open a redcard?"
"Would you like to save 5% today?"
Do this:
"Would you like to save 5% on everything in the store every day?"
Who is going to answer no to that? There have been guests that have told me (after signing for their new redcard) that they were never interested until I phrased it that way. Or they were confused as to the benefits. You have to sell it to them simply, make it seem like a clear choice.
It's just too bad that due to staffing issues you really don't have time to make great sales and provide the guest service that most guests have come to expect. I have been coached for spending too much time making sales and providing guest service. I was told "You are 50% guest service, and 50% task" My response was "If guests are ignored, they don't come back. If they don't come back it doesn't matter if the store looks like it did on opening day. We are all out of a job" I got sighed at and that was that.