Archived Entertainment transition

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May 23, 2018
So, I received the mid October map for entertainment, and it is posing some important questions without answers. In chain stores without entertainment 2.0, it seems their "get rid of movies" solution seems to be replacing half of it with a brand new toy flat. This toy flat pushes books to where movies are, movies to where music is, and music to where the gift card aisle in electronics is. My big question is, does anyone know where the gift cards go? There's no upcoming planogram for most of them, and the remainder just have their homes at the checklanes and outposts and whatnot. They just put in those black cabinets last year, are they already taking them away? I can't find any info about them it anywhere 0_o
My PTL said the gift card mall fixtures all move up to the checklanes where we have our trading card items right now. She thinks the trading card stuff will be moving to either entertainment or toys. Not sure if she saw this info on Workbench or in an email.

We are Early Set for this and are supposed to set it next week. A little worried since none of the new fixtures have arrived yet!

I'm getting really fucking sick of them trying to have all these huge boxed items in stores. We're crammed for space, we're already getting Expanded SFS. There is no fucking room!
Our giftcard/trading card area at the lanes is about 1 or 2 sections of trading cards, and the rest is giftcards. None of our trading cards moved back to entertainment, but we are a remodel store. After the remodel we carried a LOT less trading cards than before, I guess they realize it's not profitable when 2/3 of them are stolen.
Our giftcard/trading card area at the lanes is about 1 or 2 sections of trading cards, and the rest is giftcards. None of our trading cards moved back to entertainment, but we are a remodel store. After the remodel we carried a LOT less trading cards than before, I guess they realize it's not profitable when 2/3 of them are stolen.
Wouldn’t matter. Vendor theft doesn’t effect target for most vendors and excell is one of those vendors. We have a huge theft issue but AP doesn’t do anything about it because we still get credit. Vendors are responsible for their own protection
Fuck the gift cards, lazy ass Blackhawk vendor trying to tell me target now does the resets and revisions 😂 I’ll do them when we get hours for them, until then you’re held accountable for your sales and if you want there to be gift cards you’ll take care of it lol, until then your boxes will be in receiving waiting for you.

She finally got the hint after three months of complaining and sending us form letters informing us of the change in their contract with target. Went from coming in for 45 minutes at a time complaining to 4 hour visits now 😝💪🏻
Fuck the gift cards, lazy ass Blackhawk vendor trying to tell me target now does the resets and revisions 😂 I’ll do them when we get hours for them, until then you’re held accountable for your sales and if you want there to be gift cards you’ll take care of it lol, until then your boxes will be in receiving waiting for you.

She finally got the hint after three months of complaining and sending us form letters informing us of the change in their contract with target. Went from coming in for 45 minutes at a time complaining to 4 hour visits now 😝💪🏻
I’ve been doing the one in entertainment and by greeting cards since it started. I fill it when the product comes in. After the initial reset, it’s not hard. I don’t think I saw a Blackhawk vendor for a 4 months.

Why aren’t you given hours? It shows up on transition workload tool. Someone is getting those hours and they just aren’t being used to set.
Now my question is where do trading cards go! I'm now just waiting for the front lanes map to come in the mail lol. There is however a new planogram for trading cards that has never existed before in my calendars. 12 feet
If they want us to set gift cards, maybe they should make the pog so it isn't incomprehensible and have lots of missing pegs and "NOT LEGAL FOR THIS STORE"s every time. The gift card pog is always a total nightmare that takes 10x as long to set as TWT gives for it so we just gave up.
Wouldn’t matter. Vendor theft doesn’t effect target for most vendors and excell is one of those vendors. We have a huge theft issue but AP doesn’t do anything about it because we still get credit. Vendors are responsible for their own protection

Exactly..... except for the last part. I've come to a realization that shortage should be about improving profitability. If someone steals all of the trading cards and we aren't getting replenishment that means lost sales. If a guest buys a pack of trading cards every time they shop for their kid but for some reason we are always out why not just shop somewhere else that has them in stock? At the store level its small potatoes but when you think of it company wide it can add up.
This is exactly what everyone's been saying at my store.

Still waiting on my fixtures/signing for this to show up.....the ISM tree alone is a 6 hour set!!!
Im not looking forward to more gondola builds, but it's gonna be me helping the pmt since it's our job to fetch his parts and his kids just to build it.
We just tie but don't set the revisions and resets, and I don't think our vendor ever even noticed.
Now my question is where do trading cards go! I'm now just waiting for the front lanes map to come in the mail lol. There is however a new planogram for trading cards that has never existed before in my calendars. 12 feet
We had the vendors come in a group to knock it out; Excell always does their own though, don’t they?
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