Archived Executive Team Leader Internship

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Apr 2, 2012
Hey Al!
After such a long interview process I recently got offered a ETL intern position for the summer. I am really excited, until this weekend when a recruiter called me and informed me that the start date would be the a week sooner than I had been informed in my interviews. It would be fine, but I am going to be out of the country during the start date. My recruiter told me she would contact me and see what I can do since I could start later than the "official internship starts" but I never got a definite solution . I am worried and do not know what to do. I was curious to know what happens during the first week of the internship that I may potentially miss? Thanks for the help!
Lol.... just know you will be hated your first week.

Every TM in the store will see you walking around making $16/hour (and they make $10 after being there 5+ yearsw) while you pretend to be an ETL.
Lol.... just know you will be hated your first week.

Every TM in the store will see you walking around making $16/hour (and they make $10 after being there 5+ yearsw) while you pretend to be an ETL.

Wow, no reason to try and discourage the intern. To be honest, you just sound jealous.

You will be fine man. Just tell them that you have a prior obligation and they will work around your schedule. No worries!
Wow, no reason to try and discourage the intern. To be honest, you just sound jealous.

You will be fine man. Just tell them that you have a prior obligation and they will work around your schedule. No worries!

I am not jealous. I work for SCEA and have a great job.

I am just being real with the interns.... the fact is, most TMs resent them. Especially when they start ordering TMs (or TLs) around. I saw it happen every year I was at target.
I am not jealous. I work for SCEA and have a great job.

I am just being real with the interns.... the fact is, most TMs resent them. Especially when they start ordering TMs (or TLs) around. I saw it happen every year I was at target.

Actually, Interns are very liked at Target unless they earn the displeasure of some with their actions, they are basically free payroll, can function as team members, team leads, and to some extent etl's, and they are paid for by the group. They come in very handy especially in understaffed stores.
Actually, Interns are very liked at Target unless they earn the displeasure of some with their actions, they are basically free payroll, can function as team members, team leads, and to some extent etl's, and they are paid for by the group. They come in very handy especially in understaffed stores.

Wow... so TMs actually like interns at your store? You mean they like some 19 year old college kid with zero work experience telling them what to do while getting paid $16 hour?
Our ETLs tend to use them for cannon fodder the first week or so to see who will make it.
Their favorite game? Sending a poor intern over to service desk to deal with a rabid guest.

And, as I said in another thread, degreaser DOES get blood out of tile crevices, etc.
Wow... so TMs actually like interns at your store? You mean they like some 19 year old college kid with zero work experience telling them what to do while getting paid $16 hour?

The interns don't tell them what to do, they work with them and ask them questions it gives every level a chance to train and mentor someone, and yes they do enjoy the interns because for the most part they understand what an intern is and they never overstep their role as interns. We don't have them suddenly come to the store and bark orders, you seem to always be going for negative assumptions on this board.
Our ETLs tend to use them for cannon fodder the first week or so to see who will make it.
Their favorite game? Sending a poor intern over to service desk to deal with a rabid guest.

And, as I said in another thread, degreaser DOES get blood out of tile crevices, etc.

Lol we usually use ours for backup cashier, and when they close as LOD we use them to zone, put strays away.
Our interns are great. They're here with open ears - which is a drastic change from what I'm used to from the ETLs. They're asking questions and doing exactly what I tell them.

So nice.
Our interns are great. They're here with open ears - which is a drastic change from what I'm used to from the ETLs. They're asking questions and doing exactly what I tell them.

So nice.

I think target is trying to push hiring interns to ETL more as of recently due to the fact that the interns dive into the actual tm roles and what goes on at the store level rather than dive into a executive level with 0 knowledge. Our District Resource was an intern and shes amazing much better than the fresh out of college etl's.
We were very short on TMs one night and our closing GSA called in. One of the interns closed as GSTL (though the LOD had to help him close the registers) and the other intern helped zone in softlines. (That same night, I also had to help zone in softlines, leaving a new cashier by herself at the lanes without a real GSTL/GSA to help her, but that's not relevant.)
our intern last year turned in to an awesome AP-ETL...the two that I saw tonight (wasn't even introduced to them...that makes me think that the ETL's aren't thrilled with them) look younger than my oldest and about ready to pee their pants if somebody looked at them wrong.
Lol.... just know you will be hated your first week.

Every TM in the store will see you walking around making $16/hour (and they make $10 after being there 5+ yearsw) while you pretend to be an ETL.

I don't know about being hated. Some act like douchers, though, which makes for good jokes. And lol at telling people what to do. They don't tell anyone what to do.

And where do you get 16 an hour from? I've heard completely different.

Watch it....your camera is fogging up......

Interns are awesome to have around. They simply need properly trained and the expectation set for them from the get go. They should be trained on how to be a leader, not how to go get carts. For those of you that sound like you hate them, there is no need to be jealous because they could potentially be your boss someday soon. That is the best time to help teach them the ropes and get to know them!
I don't know about being hated. Some act like douchers, though, which makes for good jokes. And lol at telling people what to do. They don't tell anyone what to do.

And where do you get 16 an hour from? I've heard completely different.

Eh, I've seen them do that. And yes, that is their current pay rate.
When I interviewed for it three years ago, it was $15 an hour. Didn't get the job... I didn't sleep the night before because I had two important tests that day. Ahhh, screw it... I really suck at interviews. They had the two nicest people interview me who said "We want you at our store" and blah blah blah and then came in these two harda$$es who didn't crack a smile and stared at me the whole time with no emotion. Funny story was that one of those jerks came to my store and ended up being transferred a little while later cause seemingly the whole team he was over (including TLs) called the hotline on him the whole time he worked at the store. I remember when someone called the guest relations line on him cause it showed up on the survey printout that week. It was hilarious.
When I interviewed for it three years ago, it was $15 an hour. Didn't get the job... I didn't sleep the night before because I had two important tests that day. Ahhh, screw it... I really suck at interviews. They had the two nicest people interview me who said "We want you at our store" and blah blah blah and then came in these two harda$$es who didn't crack a smile and stared at me the whole time with no emotion. Funny story was that one of those jerks came to my store and ended up being transferred a little while later cause seemingly the whole team he was over (including TLs) called the hotline on him the whole time he worked at the store. I remember when someone called the guest relations line on him cause it showed up on the survey printout that week. It was hilarious.

Yeah, interviews like that can be rough. When I had my interviews, the first was a friendly then-Hardlines TL and the second was our then-ETL-Softlines, who intimidated the crap out of me. (Thankfully, that ETL moved to overnight a couple months after I got hired.)
Eh, I've seen them do that. And yes, that is their current pay rate.

That's weird. If you do the math, the starting pay per hour for an ETL is lower than their internship.

And technically, do you have to listen to them? I've always assumed the reason they don't tell you to do stuff is because they are not your boss.
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