Archived "Girl" Talk

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Cosmetic Brand B*tch
Feb 6, 2015
Why, oh why, does the uniform consist of khakis? Like, I'm so happy all the high-ranking men think it looks nice, but my uterus is taking the light color as a challenge.

I spend about half of my shift in the bathroom during that "special" week all because of the khakis.

Viva la black pants! *starts revolution*
Now, when I see a female TM wearing black pants....
according to the handbook you can wear black pants.
I thought about doing it but being a TL i'm sure that would be looked down upon.. I"m just waiting for some new team members to start, see the handbook, and everyone follow suit!
Why, oh why, does the uniform consist of khakis? Like, I'm so happy all the high-ranking men think it looks nice, but my uterus is taking the light color as a challenge.

I spend about half of my shift in the bathroom during that "special" week all because of the khakis.

Viva la black pants! *starts revolution*
Ugh, THIS! I have spent so much time in the bathroom scrubbing those friendly little stains out of my pants on many I loathe khaki.
Why is that???

What's the big deal?

Because the official uniform is khaki pants, red shirt. The only reason the handbook allows for black pants is to keep with various state/local laws which limit how much an employer can specify uniforms. My STL is a stickler about leadership being "role models" by always donning the official uniform. No black pants whatsoever.

One of our TLs came to work with black pants one day, a few months back, & she was told to change into khakis. She didn't want to go back home and be counted as late for work so she had to buy a brand new pair of khaki pants off the floor just to appease the STL. Technically, the STL shouldn't be doing that because the handbook says black pants are okay. But no one wants to get on his bad side, especially TLs, so they do what he says.
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