Goodbye Indymes đź‘‹


Instocks Team Member
Sep 5, 2015
If your store has not already received the upgrade, the old system for call buttons (Indyme Smart Response; “Fast service needed in Automotive. Second request, 15 seconds remaining. Who is responding?”) will be removed from stores.

No more robot voice on the walkie. Instead, the system for the MAC station “service hub alerts” will be expanded. The new call buttons will send an alert to myDevices just like the price scanners.

For those who have these, how well are they working? The myDevice alerts just don’t seem to be doing it for us like the walkie alerts did. We miss alerts all the time without ever knowing they went off 🤷🏻‍♂️
We haven't had our remodel just yet (so no touchscreens), but they swapped our phones to the touchless sensors that you wave your hand over earlier this year. I don't mind the mydevice alerts, but it's too easy for TMs to ignore, and I'm still upset HQ decided to make unique sounds for that but for some reason everything for the rest of the store still sounds the same... ugh
For those who have these, how well are they working? The myDevice alerts just don’t seem to be doing it for us like the walkie alerts did. We miss alerts all the time without ever knowing they went off 🤷🏻‍♂️
same. I just straight up ignore them lol. They don't put a sense of urgency into TMs. Honestly, I'm kinda shocked they didn't keep the walkie alerts but just made the hardware them selves. or just put a request thru the indyme hardware.
For those who have these, how well are they working? The myDevice alerts just don’t seem to be doing it for us like the walkie alerts did. We miss alerts all the time without ever knowing they went off 🤷🏻‍♂️
It's been a couple years since they got rid of our call boxes, and I don't think it's ended up being too much different at my store. Originally all the alerts had the same sound which meant people constantly ignored it thinking it's just another area's second alert. Now there is a different sound that plays when it's the first alert for your area, so people respond to them more often. They are still a bit annoying though, nobody walkies "I'm going to get that call for x" anymore so you don't know if someone else is already going to an alert.
We haven't had functioning Indymes in forever and I don't even know if we get alerts on the Zebra - if we do, I've never noticed one and no one has said a word about it at my store.
Guest side of things, i can believe they are ignored. I wanted a locked item, touchscreen said no one was available to help after a loooong wait for a response.
Tbh i didnt think any stores didn't have this yet. We've had it for nearly 3 years now. You get used to it.
We don't have it. We're undergoing a full remodel in a couple months, so will likely have it then.
They definitely should work on creating a system in which the device will speak out messages instead of a generic notification sound that could mean 20 other things
if my device starts to speak i will be throwing it or it will be on mute LMAO. It feels embarrassing when you're showing a guest "Oh yeah it says we are going to be getting more of this ite- FAST SERVICE NEEDED IN HOME ELECTRONICS. 15 SECONDS REMAINING. WHOS RESPONDING?!!??!"

I think if target wants urgency back into the call buttons they go back to using the walkies. Plus, Is it really that hard to make a piece of equipment that could do that?
I think if target wants urgency back into the call buttons they go back to using the walkies. Plus, Is it really that hard to make a piece of equipment that could do that?
Right? Target has the resources to ditch Indyme as a vendor and develop their own proprietary system. The myDevice alerts seem to just get ignored or go unnoticed 🤷🏻‍♂️ Back in the day if the Indymes went to second request the LOD would be screaming on the walkie.
My store started out with the new system and it's just okay. It is definitely hard to tell if someone else is assisting with the call unless I can literally see another TM going towards the call station (which is very rare). Most of the other TMs at my store ignore them and we've already had two hubs go out of order due to broken screens somehow, despite the store only being open a few months. More than anything the calls have just been from kids messing with the screen so the alerts are pretty easy to ignore.
I really need Target to use androids notification system. While doing tasks, like price audit, the notifications push down the buttons I meant to select and then I hit the wrong thing all the time. Plus, then I can use the android notifications as a checklist when I get a bunch of them. Then can even clear ones other people have claimed automatically like drive ups, call buttons, change fund
Right? Target has the resources to ditch Indyme as a vendor and develop their own proprietary system. The myDevice alerts seem to just get ignored or go unnoticed 🤷🏻‍♂️ Back in the day if the Indymes went to second request the LOD would be screaming on the walkie.
My EXACT thought process honest to god. Like, if we can afford to design and manufacture our own Self Checkouts, No way they can't do that LOL.
I really need Target to use androids notification system. While doing tasks, like price audit, the notifications push down the buttons I meant to select and then I hit the wrong thing all the time. Plus, then I can use the android notifications as a checklist when I get a bunch of them. Then can even clear ones other people have claimed automatically like drive ups, call buttons, change fund
Agreed! Its the freaking worst lol.
For those who have these, how well are they working? The myDevice alerts just don’t seem to be doing it for us like the walkie alerts did. We miss alerts all the time without ever knowing they went off 🤷🏻‍♂️
From a TM workload perspective - they are great. They are way less intrusive on your work, to the point where the majority of TMs either ignore them or don't even know what they are.

From a guest perspective - best of luck. Unless there are TMs nearby who care about answering service hubs or your store leadership culture cares (ours does not anymore), you're not going to get help. There's a reason the old Endymes were so damn annoying - TMs were supposed to stop what they were doing and get to the guest fast. Add service hubs to a long list of reasons why guest service just isn't a priority anymore in a lot of stores.
For those who have these, how well are they working? The myDevice alerts just don’t seem to be doing it for us like the walkie alerts did. We miss alerts all the time without ever knowing they went off 🤷🏻‍♂️
My store is getting these soon. I have a few questions
  • Does leadership tell people to respond
  • Is it a different sound or the standard sound that the SCO needs money uses?
  • Do TMs need to enable it in MyDay? If so what do we need to enable? Can leadership remotely enable it?
  • Do we only get alerts for the areas we are signed into or the entire store? If I'm only signed into Market do I get style notifications?

From a TM workload perspective - they are great. They are way less intrusive on your work, to the point where the majority of TMs either ignore them or don't even know what they are.
  • Is it like a fire aisle where one claims it or just an alert like SCO needs money?
    • If we claim it do we do it on the Zebra or Tablet?
From a guest perspective - best of luck. Unless there are TMs nearby who care about answering service hubs or your store leadership culture cares (ours does not anymore), you're not going to get help. There's a reason the old Endymes were so damn annoying - TMs were supposed to stop what they were doing and get to the guest fast. Add service hubs to a long list of reasons why guest service just isn't a priority anymore in a lot of stores.
  • Does it time how long a team member takes to respond and send multiple alerts like the Indymes and fire aisle?
My store is getting these soon. I have a few questions
  • Does leadership tell people to respond
  • Is it a different sound or the standard sound that the SCO needs money uses?
  • Do TMs need to enable it in MyDay? If so what do we need to enable? Can leadership remotely enable it?
  • Do we only get alerts for the areas we are signed into or the entire store? If I'm only signed into Market do I get style notifications?

  • Is it like a fire aisle where one claims it or just an alert like SCO needs money?
    • If we claim it do we do it on the Zebra or Tablet?

  • Does it time how long a team member takes to respond and send multiple alerts like the Indymes and fire aisle?
No. If tech is nearby, they move the cleaning stuff to fix fire aisle. You need to work on GM push to understand.