Archived Human Resources issues.

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Nov 5, 2011
At my store I feel like there is a lack of ethics from my ETL-HR. I've been with my store for a while and going to school at the same time. Every time I apply for a position that would be a slight promotion, I NEVER get interviewed. Why? I've never had a bad review in 4 years... My attendance is perfect as well. Yet I find out a guy who's been with the company for a shorter amount of time gets the position I applied for? This guy recently got a DUI, he has no reliable transportation and no formal education beyond middle school. What is going on? Do I need to go out and get a DUI to get promoted? Also I find out a guy who got a final warning for vandalizng the freezer alarm by ripping it out gets a .50 cent raise on his review??? REALLY? REALLY?!!

P.S. I'm sorry I just had to vent. I give Target my all and I get pooed on 🙁
Not to put to fine a point on it but do you ...
make the right people feel good about themselves?
make sure to ask cihyfs when the right people are listening?
always keep clean and shiny?
smooch the right peoples buttocks?
play the game with cliched fervor?

I understand your frustration.
Many stores are fair and try very hard to promote justly however Spot has created some very serious problems both with its corporate culture and lack of direct supervision.
Have you been proactive & knock your tl/etl's flat with I can do that viewpoint? Have you gone beyond your core roles & workcenter to help tm's or guest out?
What does him having a DUI have to do with him getting a promotion? What does his transportation have to do with anything?
Look here is the plain, hard, simple truth...the leadership team in your store does not feel you would be a good fit for the promotion for whatever reason. You have to be the one to change that and having sour grapes about someone else getting the spot is not the right way.
I understand it's frustrating, I'm in the same boat. But try looking at it this way... Are you global enough that you can cover many different work centers? And do cover them? What if they did give you that promotion and it limited what work centers you were available for? Timing is everything. Be patience, be global and be your best. It will happen eventually.
At my store I feel like there is a lack of ethics from my ETL-HR. I've been with my store for a while and going to school at the same time. Every time I apply for a position that would be a slight promotion, I NEVER get interviewed. Why? I've never had a bad review in 4 years... My attendance is perfect as well. Yet I find out a guy who's been with the company for a shorter amount of time gets the position I applied for? This guy recently got a DUI, he has no reliable transportation and no formal education beyond middle school. What is going on? Do I need to go out and get a DUI to get promoted? Also I find out a guy who got a final warning for vandalizng the freezer alarm by ripping it out gets a .50 cent raise on his review??? REALLY? REALLY?!!

P.S. I'm sorry I just had to vent. I give Target my all and I get pooed on 🙁

Go to your immediate etl and ask them if they would "mentor" you so you could promote. They eat that stuff up.
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