Archived Internal promotions

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Jun 21, 2011
I had a lovely sit down with my STL the other day and one of the things that we talked about is the way that Target is going to start doing promotions. TL to ETL promotions are going to become MUCH more common. As a matter of fact it has already started. I am friends with an ETL from an 'A' volume store in our district and his store just lost 5 TL's to ETL promotions. Hows that for encouraging?!? So for all of you that think you don't have a chance, just do your job and you'll be the boss before you know it.
I had a lovely sit down with my STL the other day and one of the things that we talked about is the way that Target is going to start doing promotions. TL to ETL promotions are going to become MUCH more common. As a matter of fact it has already started. I am friends with an ETL from an 'A' volume store in our district and his store just lost 5 TL's to ETL promotions. Hows that for encouraging?!? So for all of you that think you don't have a chance, just do your job and you'll be the boss before you know it.

I need that laugh, thank you.
They are just now starting...😱
Shouldn't that have always been policy from the beginning.

There have been a couple who have promoted out of our store. One doesn't want it, one who does, and another who is definitely NOT ready even though he is a SrTL. I would take it however I haven't finished college and was told that it wasn't going to happen because Target was only promoting TLs who had degrees. So, if I wanted to get my degree that would be helpful but I am not allowed to change my availability in order to make that happen....

Reading this forum makes me wonder just how far out of the loop we are.🙁
:facepalm: not a lot of difference that will make at my store. The TLs are just as inept as everyone else. Half the time I find myself carrying on my TLs duties in his absence just like I did when the previous one was moved and then quit. Ironically I don't even want the promotion to TL now because no one in store management has the ability to positively change the operation of the store back into the old school Target.
We've had some internal promotions at our store and both of the them are decent sorts.
However they both fit into the glee club/cheerleader/quarterback, team.
Since they are getting trained by the very people who are causing the pain I don't see this as a big help at least not right away.
I wish that was the case in my district. External promotions are preferred over internal promotions for ETLs and for TLs.
There have been alot of internal promotions in my district as well, (5-7) So far this year, I'm about half way through the interview process as well
Eventually, all districts will be this way. We just got a brand spankin new DTL and he has made it very clear what Target's new stance on promoting within. He is well ahead of the curve. His track record with internal promotions is strong. I'm excited to have him!
I'd love to see that at my store.
Currently, the only way to move up from TL to ETL is to another store. All our ETLs are external hires &, while some are good & catch on fast, others are less than stellar.
If true, that's great. You would obviously be moved outside of your store, they frown upon that kind of movement within the store I believe. Hopefully you'd be moved within your district. People with experience working the floor/knowing Target's best practices deserve the opportunity.
If true, that's great. You would obviously be moved outside of your store, they frown upon that kind of movement within the store I believe. Hopefully you'd be moved within your district. People with experience working the floor/knowing Target's best practices deserve the opportunity.

With the tighter budgets that Target is currently operating under, this makes great sense. Promotions would be inside your district, but outside of your store. I have never heard a of a TL to ETL promotion inside a store. Is that even possible??
This will give away my store to anyone from there who reads it but we had an ETL go to STL and stay in store AND we have had a TM go to TL to ETL and stay in the store.
Interesting! I thought that was generally frowned upon, but I guess it is the DTL's choice.
This was mentioned by our STL in a meeting last week as well, about more focus on internal promotions. Our store has already been focusing on it a lot, and for good reason, the last outside hire-in to SrTL went down in flames, so maybe (hopefully) there's some truth to it.
Ya'll act like I made my original post up. It's the concrete truth. There is no 'maybe' or 'hopefully' about it.
It's not that we don't believe you but often times those policies are quickly reversed or reasons are made up not to enforce said policies.

Frankly, there just isn't any trust when it comes to corporate.
Believe me, Insiteful1, it would be fantastic if Target returned to that policy! We've talked about such common sense policies in past threads, unfortunately it was under "things I miss" or "remember when?".
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