Archived Items that guests ask for

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Guest: I'd like to return this toaster.
GSTM: Is there anything wrong with it?
Guest: Yes, it doesn't have a plug.
GSTM: Really? How strange. So you purchased this toaster in the box and opened it when you got home and it had no plug?
Guest: Well, you didn't have the color I wanted in a box, so I took the toaster off the shelf, put in another box and set the toaster from the box on the shelf. It's wrong of Target to sell stuff that is broken.
GSTM: Yep, you're right. Hold on. I'll call the LOD to give you a free toaster. hahahaha Not really.

I would have a puzzled look and a "uhhhh" look on my face if I was in that situation. Since uh...the product they bought was the display and wasnt what was in the actual box
Guest: I'd like to return this toaster.
GSTM: Is there anything wrong with it?
Guest: Yes, it doesn't have a plug.
GSTM: Really? How strange. So you purchased this toaster in the box and opened it when you got home and it had no plug?
Guest: Well, you didn't have the color I wanted in a box, so I took the toaster off the shelf, put in another box and set the toaster from the box on the shelf. It's wrong of Target to sell stuff that is broken.
GSTM: Yep, you're right. Hold on. I'll call the LOD to give you a free toaster. hahahaha Not really.

Vibe. Our store would get the guest a new toaster 100 out of 100 times. Guaranteed.

Of course we gave her a new toaster. We did an even exchange but the guest wanted us to refund her original purchase AND give her a new toaster but fortunately she did not ask for LOD. Otherwise, she'd have left with a new toaster AND $30. The VIBE is so strong in our store, it's as though we are in earthquake country. ;)
Guest: I'd like to return this toaster.
GSTM: Is there anything wrong with it?
Guest: Yes, it doesn't have a plug.
GSTM: Really? How strange. So you purchased this toaster in the box and opened it when you got home and it had no plug?
Guest: Well, you didn't have the color I wanted in a box, so I took the toaster off the shelf, put in another box and set the toaster from the box on the shelf. It's wrong of Target to sell stuff that is broken.
GSTM: Yep, you're right. Hold on. I'll call the LOD to give you a free toaster. hahahaha Not really.

Vibe. Our store would get the guest a new toaster 100 out of 100 times. Guaranteed.

Of course we gave her a new toaster. We did an even exchange but the guest wanted us to refund her original purchase AND give her a new toaster but fortunately she did not ask for LOD. Otherwise, she'd have left with a new toaster AND $30. The VIBE is so strong in our store, it's as though we are in earthquake country. ;)
Just grab the display, she replaced it with? At my store, it would be still there.
Guest: I'd like to return this toaster.
GSTM: Is there anything wrong with it?
Guest: Yes, it doesn't have a plug.
GSTM: Really? How strange. So you purchased this toaster in the box and opened it when you got home and it had no plug?
Guest: Well, you didn't have the color I wanted in a box, so I took the toaster off the shelf, put in another box and set the toaster from the box on the shelf. It's wrong of Target to sell stuff that is broken.

She must have been looking for one of those new Green Energy Saving Toasters. In Germany, where there all the rage, you simply push the button down, and after a few hours of it sitting directly in sun light, boom, you have amazing toast while saving energy :)

I must say $30 is such a bargain for the savings you'd achieve :excited: I'd pickup one myself, however, I really don't wanna awake 3 hours earlier in the morning to make such toast.
Today a man asked at the pharmacy if they carried cyanide.
I had two different guests ask me yesterday for when the next bus would come for the bus stop outside. Like I apparently stand around by the front door watching for the bus all day. They were surprised when I didn't know, and when I couldn't find anyone to tell me.
I had two different guests ask me yesterday for when the next bus would come for the bus stop outside. Like I apparently stand around by the front door watching for the bus all day. They were surprised when I didn't know, and when I couldn't find anyone to tell me.

I'm surprised noone has asked us that at my store. They probably ask the people at the 2 restaurants it's right in front of or one of the stores across the parking lot.
"Where is the elevator/escalator?"- Frequently asked. We are in a mall and there is a store above us. People think we are somehow connected. Don't even want to think of that sort of AP nightmare.

Also get asked for paint, very specific crafting items, and high end salon products. Just about everyday. People we are Target. We have general items. Not everything. You want pait? Go to Home Depot. You want to craft? Michaels isn't that far away.
^^We have a Michael's in the same shopping center on the other side of the lot and Home Depot is next door and people still come in looking for the kind of stuff that they'd definitely have and we don't.
Oh yeah-we always have people asking where the elevator/stairs/driving ramp is when they're ALL...

Right. There.

In front.

Of the entrance and exit door.

At least these questions exist to make me feel better about myself. Otherwise I think I'd slam my head repeatedly against the counter
Fans. We recently had a heatwave and all the stores in the area sold out of air conditioners and fans. We had at least 30 people a shift per worker ask where they were and then get mad that we didn't have any. It became a running joke in the store about who got the most guests and one worker if he saw a guest approach him, would just say "we're out of fans" before they'd ask.
Also, I get asked for magnets for the fridge a lot.
The Wife. which, is usually at home. Waiting for me. :p

(someone had to)

You got married? Congrats :D

I think he was referring to those guests that, when asked CIHYFS, respond with "my wife" and then think it's the funniest thing in the whole world even though it's one of the oldest jokes in the book.

However, if that's not the case................congratulations pzychopopgroove! :party:
magnifying glasses and thermometers. and my personal favorite when i ask someone CIHYFS, "my husband/wife" -__-
After confirming that something without an orange sticker is in-fact, on clearance, "can you put a sticker on this so the cashier knows?"
We get a guest who call our store at least 3 times a week asking if we carry a specific toy
Obscure (or unlikely) things I have been asked for in my fairly brief stay at spot:

*RIT clothing dye
*paraffin wax
*necklace strings for eyeglasses (x2!!)
*grenadine (I felt bad later because I realized we *did* have it)
*a new girlfriend (she was right next to him too!)
*cigarettes (at the time, I didn't know we didn't have them; I'm kind of proud that we don't)

Some fairly obvious things I have been asked for:
*the location of the grocery ("sir, look to your left")
*the swimsuits (they're directly by the entrance under the huge picture of girls wearing bikinis)
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When I got hired, I tried to buy Rit from Target, because I have a ridiculous amount of white t-shirts and didn't wanna buy red ones.
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