Archived Koolaid

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Nov 9, 2014
This year has been the pits for morale at our store. We've lost a lot of quality, long term folks to transfers and turnover. Our STL left for a larger store and prior to doing so we've seen lower comp scores than ever. It was a total shit show for the most part. However, talking with some of the remaining TLs about how things have been, you know they're stressed and beat, yet they continue to praise and have faith in Target. I, however, have zero faith and can't wait to get the F outta there. I'm putting out resumes galore in hope of finding something new for the new year. Target treats its people poorly and they just ask for another whipping.

Btw, I love that I make $.75 more than the seasonal hires after being here for 6 years. SMDH.
Sometimes I really wonder wtf is going on the heads of all these execs who seem hell-bent on destroying their own company through what appears to be one morale-destroying move after another, but then I remember the saying, "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice."

or to put it another way, high turnover is a feature not a bug. It's very sought after by all big-box companies because it keeps the payroll low, the people more expendable and a bunch of random new faces coming and going all the time adds to the feeling of alienation and makes the U-word much less likely to be a problem. Don't have to give benefits to people who quit after a few months, after all.

Another way to put it would be that finding and retaining a great team with long term careers at all 1,800 stores is only a matter of will on the company's part, which they obviously lack. Compare this to Apple, which is well known for its absurdly low turnover. People who start at Apple stay at Apple. It's not unheard of for their people to start out at the Genius Bar and end up at the Cupertino campus. If you bring talent to Apple they will not only recognize it with bonuses but also make sure to keep you around. Target could start doing this tomorrow if they wanted to, but like any other big-box retailer you'll end up in a casket long before they do anything that doesn't involve chopping hours to bump up the price of TGT shares by a few pennies
my general experience with retail is that store-level leadership tend to be sympathetic to the plight of us wage slaves (I know for a fact my STL would pay me $20/hr and bonuses if it were in his power to do so) but once you go much further beyond store level it's full bore "greed is good" all day every day. How many of these people have a copy of Atlas Shrugged on their desks? Answer: all of them.
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Sometimes I really wonder wtf is going on the heads of all these execs who seem hell-bent on destroying their own company through what appears to be one morale-destroying move after another, but then I remember the saying, "Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice."

or to put it another way, high turnover is a feature not a bug. It's very sought after by all big-box companies because it keeps the payroll low, the people more expendable and a bunch of random new faces coming and going all the time adds to the feeling of alienation and makes the U-word much less likely to be a problem. Don't have to give benefits to people who quit after a few months, after all.

Another way to put it would be that finding and retaining a great team with long term careers at all 1,800 stores is only a matter of will on the company's part, which they obviously lack. Compare this to Apple, which is well known for its absurdly low turnover. People who start at Apple stay at Apple. It's not unheard of for their people to start out at the Genius Bar and end up at the Cupertino campus. If you bring talent to Apple they will not only recognize it with bonuses but also make sure to keep you around. Target could start doing this tomorrow if they wanted to, but like any other big-box retailer you'll end up in a casket long before they do anything that doesn't involve chopping hours to bump up the price of TGT shares by a few pennies

Makes sense. And also makes sense the noticeable difference between TM and TL in regards to retention. Regardless of a TMs skills or aptitude within role, they are quickly replaceable. TL positions are relatively more difficult (especially if that role was required to have external training to develop skills needed to work it). Plus the basic skills of managing a group of TMs. I guess those TLs are required to drink a lot of Koolaid to keep from ship jumping, regardless of how terrible their roles or schedule are.
I guess those TLs are required to drink a lot of Koolaid to keep from ship jumping, regardless of how terrible their roles or schedule are.

I think the truth is more succinct: they get paid way more. I can tell you for sure that if my pay went way up so would my bullshit tolerance. Give me $20/hr full time with benefits and my boss could be Irma Grese for all I care
I think the truth is more succinct: they get paid way more. I can tell you for sure that if my pay went way up so would my bullshit tolerance. Give me $20/hr full time with benefits and my boss could be Irma Grese for all I care
TL makes $13-$17 depending upon role and if they need keys.
I think the truth is more succinct: they get paid way more. I can tell you for sure that if my pay went way up so would my bullshit tolerance. Give me $20/hr full time with benefits and my boss could be Irma Grese for all I care

I guess it's a matter of opinion. I used to make that kind of money, but quit for a lower paying job because of the company and management. For me money isn't everything.
But to be honest I do make about as much as a SrTL, so there's that to consider.
my general experience with retail is that store-level leadership tend to be sympathetic to the plight of us wage slaves (I know for a fact my STL would pay me $20/hr and bonuses if it were in his power to do so) but once you go much further beyond store level it's full bore "greed is good" all day every day. How many of these people have a copy of Atlas Shrugged on their desks? Answer: all of them.

Yeah my dtl drives a really expensive car, parks a mile from the store so no one touches it, and what bugs me is on visits she loves to check in on beauty and apparel. Does she ever visit the dogs on flow, backroom or market? Nope lol. Made my day when I found out she had to pak from sfs at @Bosch store lol.
Yeah my dtl drives a really expensive car, parks a mile from the store so no one touches it, and what bugs me is on visits she loves to check in on beauty and apparel. Does she ever visit the dogs on flow, backroom or market? Nope lol. Made my day when I found out she had to pak from sfs at @Bosch store lol.

She needs to learn in my neighborhood Audi R8's are daily commuter cars.. She is basic.. But I did enjoy watching her get her hands dirty packing.. She at least did the work, I got to respect that..
man if I were capo di tutti capi a.k.a. CEO I would have a blast going on a nationwide tour of all the stores, working alongside the lowly proles and yes getting my hands dirty. I'll keep my Honda because I'm not up my own ass about people mirin my fancy ride. It would be cool to just show up in plain red and khaki and talk to people frankly about how things are going on their end, what can be changed for the better, hand out $500 gift cards because I'm cool like that, etc. Anything needs fixed, sure I gotchu fam, I just wave my hand and say in a booming voice "Let there be light" and there is light. If a great team member needs more hours, I wave my hand and say "Let the schedule bring forth hours!" and lo, there are hours. If a guest is rude and hateful to a TM I just call my guy at the IRS and have their goon squad pay the guest a visit for $1 million in back taxes. Pizza, wings, salad bar, soda fountain and soft couches in the break room, etc. Dream big, as they say
Same here, but less (3.5 years) time.

I really like how they make me cover electronics for breaks/lunch, but I don't get that extra fiddy cent. LOVE IT.
The best thing about the company wide raise is even though we are kinda getting screwed we are still making more lol
I think the truth is more succinct: they get paid way more. I can tell you for sure that if my pay went way up so would my bullshit tolerance. Give me $20/hr full time with benefits and my boss could be Irma Grese for all I care
If you want that (and lots of bs ) come join the dc you’ll get the 20 and change an hour , overtime start with two weeks paid vacay insurance 401k and pension
Yeah my dtl drives a really expensive car, parks a mile from the store so no one touches it, and what bugs me is on visits she loves to check in on beauty and apparel. Does she ever visit the dogs on flow, backroom or market? Nope lol. Made my day when I found out she had to pak from sfs at @Bosch store lol.
Yeah made my day when my business partner had to do packing for SFS. He came in unannounced and I was like “oh crap” but turns out he had to slave away at SFS instead of barking orders from his laptop.
I've haven't seen our DTL do any packing. Honestly, I don't even know if she knows where SFS is in our store. She focuses on weird shit. Beauty, Market, Header signs, Softline Racks that are too tall... It's the most nit-pickiest of things that make little impact on our sales. She's a real beast to deal with too. So, I stay clear of her when she visits. It's just ridiculous.
So in 4 or 5 years I'll still be making Target's entry level pay.

Nothing lol about that at all.
Yeah... $15 an hour, unless you're management... which likely will seen the smallest, if any, increase.
Yeah made my day when my business partner had to do packing for SFS. He came in unannounced and I was like “oh crap” but turns out he had to slave away at SFS instead of barking orders from his laptop.

Lol ours came too for an HR visit. My ETL HR said "great you can come pack with me.
Yeah... $15 an hour, unless you're management... which likely will seen the smallest, if any, increase.

No not true... a store in my district pays 15 an hour and managements minimum is a lot higher. The team leads started at 19 an hour and our seniors start around 21-22. One of our seniors who had been with the company a long time was close to 30 an hour.
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