Archived Library ladders

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Jun 9, 2011
Is everyone getting the new library ladders in the backroom? We spent all weekend re-profiling and moving shelves. Just finished in the main stockroom, moving on to grocery this week.

I'm a little nervous about how these are going to work. We can't keep our regular ladders in good working order, now ones with more moving parts? *shudder* I'm also a little jealous about some of the space we are having to give up in some areas like softlines. We had wacos all the way to the floor and now we have to lose at least the bottom row. Gonna get crowded in there!
Since I started on Salesfloor and actually pulling batches from the backroom, I've thought that library style ladders would be much more efficient, I"m hoping once my store goes P-Fresh we'll get those.
My store has had them for 3 months or so..They are soooo much better than the crap spot had for us before.. I absolutely love them. They can be moved very easy through a aisle and smooth not like the broken ladders. Light weight and can close just by pulling on a orange cord on the side of the hand rails.

Smart carts can fit with ease but tubz wont so their might be a aisle that wont have a ladder, most likely the main aisle when you come in. We didnt expect them to be this nice..

Just make sure whoever does them checks with the backroom TL's cause there are 3 aisles that they did where the rod that goes down the aisle for it to move is in the middle of a shelf blocks the BIG boxes in.. Other than that I have ZERO complaints about them so far.
We've had them for over a year actually, we were a test store for them. It was nice, our last batch didn't cost us a dime as they wanted us to try out a new model. The top rail can be a bother for storing large boxes but you learn to work around them. The best thing is the ease you can get to the last couple of sections in the aisle now.
I haven't heard if and when we might be getting these in, but I've worked in other stores that had them in place and really liked them. As stated above the only drawback is the big boxes.

Something else I really wish we had at our store are the newer scanners located through out the store. You can scan an item and it will give the location on the SF as well as BR and other info. We do have the older models, but it just gives description, DPCI, and price. I've asked my STL about it and it doesn't appear we'll be getting them any time soon. 🙁
I'm also a little jealous about some of the space we are having to give up in some areas like softlines. We had wacos all the way to the floor and now we have to lose at least the bottom row. Gonna get crowded in there!
Regardless of what the Remodel-ETL says about what the "profile" calls for, your LOG-ETL can make as much changes as he/she wants after the Remodel Team is done with the backroom. We just added the extra wacos for the bottom shelves in the softlines aisles this week.
Regardless of what the Remodel-ETL says about what the "profile" calls for, your LOG-ETL can make as much changes as he/she wants after the Remodel Team is done with the backroom. We just added the extra wacos for the bottom shelves in the softlines aisles this week.

Yeah my store has had the rail ladders since day one, and has also had bottom-shelf wacos in softlines since day one. I don't know how we'd get along with less open-stock space in softlines than we already have!

Also, the ladders can occasionally be a pain when dealing with merchandise in the last sections, especially on the right hand side. If the ladder is pushed all the way down to the end of the aisle, you can't just pull the cord and flip it, because it would still be in the way! You'd have to shimmy past it and then push it towards the front of the aisle and then flip it. And if merchandise is located on upper shelves in the last section, it can be quite a pain to try and scan the location label through the railing of the ladder and then wrestle the box (invariably it's a big bulky one) off of the shelf.

However, they are great because you have a guaranteed amount of room that you can have boxes sticking off the ends of shelves (about 5 or 6 inches) and the ladder will still roll past them, unlike the folding ladders where you could hardly have any box hanging off the edge of the shelves.
YES! We're getting ours sometime in early July.
Currently, O/N is re-WACO-ing and moving shelving around, presumably in anticipation of this.

I asked MONTHS ago why we didn't have them, because we're a fairly new-ish store (about 10 years) and got some b/s story about how our aisles were built just slightly off so that those ladders wouldn't fit.

So either these new ladders are more versatile in the width of the aisle it can fit down, or we're going to be doing A LOT of aisle moving.
So either these new ladders are more versatile in the width of the aisle it can fit down, or we're going to be doing A LOT of aisle moving.

Like I said before, we have been a test store for the ladders. There are currently three different models we have in use. Chances are they had to wait until they manufactured a style to fit your aisles better.
We are getting them too and also getting extra hours to do the profiling. I hate the ladders we have now, such a pain to have to move the ladder all the way out to get to the back wacos.
They are so nice, but I hate when I have to walk all the way down the aisle to get the library ladder to get something thats at the front. But other than that they are amazing!
They've started redoing our BR & the ladders are going up! Wheeeeeee!
I absolutely LOVE these ladders! Gone are the days where there are 3-4 crappy old ladders stuffed down an aisle that I need to pull something from. No more having to squeeze by the ladder to get something from the end of the aisle. No more shaking around as I climb up to put something up high. They are so much safer and more efficient! 😀
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