Archived Name tag?

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Oct 30, 2011
I have been working at target for almost 2 months now and i havent gotten a name tag. I thought it was supposed to automatically come, then when it still wasnt there i thought i might not get one because i was just hired seasonal.
But then someone told me i had to request it on the board, but when i looked for the board i couldnt find it, and noone was in there to ask.

How do i request a name tag? im tired of guests asking me how i like my new job when ive been here for a while.
Walk around with a square of yellow masking tape stuck dead center of your shirt with "Hello" my name is XXXXXXXX'X I'm not new - I just lost my label"

With in 15 minutes you will get one of the spares they guard like the NORAD launch codes


Because -----

It's the wrong color ---- mounted in the wrong place ---- not made from re-purposed Spot turds ---- To many words / confuses the guests ---- and not "Brand" like everybody else

And it doesn't give the guest's that sense of superiority - "I know your name and you don't know mine"

Every so often mine will rip off when I'm crawling under a gondola or hanging from the ceiling steel above the tiles

When I put on one of my colourfully worded spares - with in a few minutes some ETL will find me - "Where's your label"

I like the label --- when I don't have one on --- there's always one guest that will say ---- "Mr Target" where's the XXXX?"

I always answer -- "There's no reason to insult me --- yet" ( that always makes them smile
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Usually we pin our newbies name badges above the time clock on a cork board, but it only takes a week for them to come in normally.

So, if you don't have one sitting around the time clock talk with your HR team member (they are there in the mornings) to get one ordered B)
Or a selection of random nametags lol. I remember working dozens of shifts with a female nametag (I'm male) lol.

Heh. I remember doing that once. At the first Target I worked, it snowed real bad the one winter, so for about a week I was driving my dad's jeep. Of course, I tend to keep my name tag in my car so I don't accidentally forget it. Ended up going with a girl's name for that week. There actually were male names available, but well, I wanted the humor aspect of having a female tag. I've become a bit of a class clown at Target.

Funny thing is, after becoming a trainer not too long ago, I now have two name tags with my name on it. Common sense would dictate that I keep one in my car, and one at home just in case. Nope. I keep them both in my car for some reason.
Walk around with a square of yellow masking tape stuck dead center of your shirt with "Hello" my name is XXXXXXXX'X I'm not new - I just lost my label"

With in 15 minutes you will get one of the spares they guard like the NORAD launch codes


Because -----

It's the wrong color ---- mounted in the wrong place ---- not made from re-purposed Spot turds ---- To many words / confuses the guests ---- and not "Brand" like everybody else

And it doesn't give the guest's that sense of superiority - "I know your name and you don't know mine"

Every so often mine will rip off when I'm crawling under a gondola or hanging from the ceiling steel above the tiles

When I put on one of my colourfully worded spares - with in a few minutes some ETL will find me - "Where's your label"

I like the label --- when I don't have one on --- there's always one guest that will say ---- "Mr Target" where's the XXXX?"

I always answer -- "There's no reason to insult me --- yet" ( that always makes them smile

Calm down SBS!
I've coached people for not having there name tags on...... Does that make me a hard ass? LMAO

Not at all -- your just doing your job -- what you were told. 😛eace:

Duh -- Almost forgot --- when I signed on here 87 years ago - I took an old tag I found and put "Some Bodys Slave" on it ---- wore it for a full day --- when I walked out at the end of my shift -- one team member coming it said ----- "Your him ---- I knew it" :mega_shok:
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One of guys who works in the freezer all the time has a nametag that says 'Polar Bear' but then he rarely goes out on the floor so the boos doesn't care.
Some of the old timers like to grab the 'New employee' tags because guests tend to avoid asking people who are new questions.
We have on lady from Czechoslovakia whose name has at least 14 letters and maybe 2 vowels.
I enjoy occasionally using the vendor nametags. Some days when I feel tired, I'm "Old Dutch". When I feel ready to take on the world, I use "Extreme Beverage"
Not at all -- your just doing your job -- what you were told. 😛eace:

Duh -- Almost forgot --- when I signed on here 87 years ago - I took an old tag I found and put "Some Bodys Slave" on it ---- wore it for a full day --- when I walked out at the end of my shift -- one team member coming it said ----- "Your him ---- I knew it" :mega_shok:
Did that tm give you the secret word?
I loose name tags all the time I have dozens now because I found them all 🙂 but for a while I wore someone's name tag that quit without notice a while back she was crazy and I had a guest get all mad at me for not bringing missoni out for them early and she wrote down the name off of my name tag and said I'm calling your manager I said to ahead with the biggest smile
Next time I'm in TIPP I should order a Peggy for our fitting room people... or for when I am answering stupid questions in electronics.
I loose name tags all the time I have dozens now because I found them all 🙂 but for a while I wore someone's name tag that quit without notice a while back she was crazy and I had a guest get all mad at me for not bringing missoni out for them early and she wrote down the name off of my name tag and said I'm calling your manager I said to ahead with the biggest smile

You always hear ETL's say team members should wear name tags to be identified. But this is the other reason why team members should wear them.
a good chunk of the over night crew at my walmart dont even wear tags. management doesn't seem to care though, but we do need to have our tags with us as the back of them has the barcode we swipe to clock in. I wear my tag on a landyard.
I didn't wear a name tag for years working flow, they just recently started jumping on us for it.
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