Archived Need advice regarding something that happened between my TL and I

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She doesn't have the right to talk to you about work when you are off the clock. That's not me talking that is company policy.
To *************** you out for not responding is totally unprofessional and it sounds like she must be a real joy to work for.
That said, you didn't do whet she asked so starting out with an apology is probably the best way to go.
Once you've said you're sorry, shut it down, don't let her go any further. Say you didn't want to over time and leave it at that. Don't try to argue, it isn't worth it.
Ignore what commiecorvus just told you (no offense). Save those texts and tomorrow morning inform your ETL-HR you would like to see her for a few minutes when she is available (this will show you are respecting her time and she will appreciate it). When you have your meeting with her show her the text messages and explain how you gave the TL your number for emergency use only. Between the threat and condoning you working off the clock the TL will be lucky to keep her job and at the very least you will do a punch correction for those few minutes and the TL will go to corrective action/final. This is one of the few cases where I would not try to work it out with the person without going through HR.
Well it would have been logical to atleast inform her that you didn't finish it before leaving. I mean it's not hard to tell her over the walkie that you have to clock out and couldn't finish it.
Ignore what commiecorvus just told you (no offense).

None taken and if I thought pfresh stood a chance with the ETL I would be all over the idea. If shey works in a store where justice is the norm cool but it Spot runs pretty much true to form when it comes to which side wins in a battle between TL and TM.

Well it would have been logical to atleast inform her that you didn't finish it before leaving. I mean it's not hard to tell her over the walkie that you have to clock out and couldn't finish it.

That is the only thing pfresh did wrong and what shey should apologize for but only that.
That TL is in serious doodie. Go to your ETL-HR and explain the situation. There is no point in not telling the story, because the TL will beat you to the punch. Then show HR how the TL chose to address the situation. That puts all the decisions that need to be made on HR's shoulders. You were in slightly in the wrong, but he/she royally messed up. I believe that is final warnable.
If you do go to HR make sure you document everything. Write it all down. Do like SR said have the texts available as proof.
Don't make it personal and only talk about things directly dealing with the job.
You probably won't know what is going to happen to the TL for a while.
Keep cool, keep calm and remember you will have to deal with her for a while to come.
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first, your ctl texting you off the clock, a big no-no. talk to your hr on the events up to when you left to avoid coaching. next time tell your ctl, that you are out of scheduled time & gotta go. communication is the key for this matter.
1. If you are contacted for any reason other than scheduling, you have to do a punch correction for the duration of the call with a 15-minute minimum.

2. I'm going to echo what stupid rules said. You should talk to your ETL-HR and explain the situation. However, you run the risk of making an enemy of your TL. Make sure you keep your nose clean for the next few weeks to avoid giving your TL any legitimate reasons to coach/counsel you.

3. When approaching the ETL, don't go in being accusatory. A good way to start the conversation is to shut the door and say that you need advice or are unsure on how to deal with a situation that came up. Explain what happened, including your own mistakes (such as not calling the TL before leaving). Point out why it made you feel uncomfortable (being contacted for non-emergency stuff and the perceived threat) and ask how you should proceed.

4. If for some reason you don't feel comfortable talking to your ETL-HR, you can always go to your ETL or STL. But definitely talk to one of them about it BEFORE addressing it with the TL.
No joke, I've seen an ETL-GE get fired for this. And there weren't even any texts as evidence, she was just calling team members. This TL needs to go.
That's is you should a take some blame for not communicating. But your ctl who uses social media to you off clock needs to be address. Are you a new p-fresh store? A team effort needs to happen!
This situation is very serious, my friend. You should not worry about retaliation from the TL in question. Show your HR the texts and tell her the situation.

I have seen this happen where the TL called a team member on the phone about something the team member did not do at work.

The TL was fired the next day. What happened to you is a HUGE conduct violation.
this situation is very serious, my friend. You should not worry about retaliation from the tl in question. Show your hr the texts and tell her the situation.

I have seen this happen where the tl called a team member on the phone about something the team member did not do at work.

The tl was fired the next day. What happened to you is a huge conduct violation.

I did not read the reason she texted you, BUT there are so many reasons she should be in trouble for that! Not only for "coaching" you off the clock, but she used her own cell phone to text you while she was on the clock! She has no way to get out of that one, because either A) She had her phone on break and was coaching you while she was on break or B) Was using her OWN phone while on the floor
You said you were going to do it and you didn't of course your TL is going to be peeved.

You even admitted yourself you should have called her on the walkie before you left.

The texts are not threatening at all. She is merely warning you that further miscommunications will result in a coaching. Your dad is correct, just apologize to your TL.

Take ownership of the problem, and move on.
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If I just told her before I clock out that "I have to go. I'll clean it tomorrow" I wouldnt be in this mess. However, i rushed my self towards the end of my shift and wasnt thinking straigght when she talked to me.
You aren't in the mess, your TL is. Don't worry, enjoy your days off, and leave your TL for the shiftstorm that'll start on Wednesday.
You said you were going to do it and you didn't of course your TL is going to be peeved.

You even admitted yourself you should have called her on the walkie before you left.

The texts are not threatening at all. She is merely warning you that further miscommunications will result in a coaching. Your dad is correct, just apologize to your TL.

Take ownership of the problem, and move on.

Sorry but TLs dump work on me all the time. No pity here. The TL needs to go. At my store that crap would not be tolerated.
Sorry but TLs dump work on me all the time. No pity here. The TL needs to go. At my store that crap would not be tolerated.

Their job is to lead a team, your job is to do the work. God forbid they dump work on you while you are working!

Going behind your TLs back is risky business, because theres a good chance nothing will be done about it owing to the fault both ways, and then OP will be dubbed a whistleblower.

If the OP has any dignity he will take ownership of the problem like an adult.
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Everyone makes mistakes. You both made mistakes.

Why don't you be the greater person and just apologize. Going to HR is just going to cause drama, and should be the last resort. If the texting irks you that badly, you should talk to your TL first.

Whenever I have a problem with my TLs I talk to them directly, and so far I have been able to resolve all my problems peacefully. Good communication is key, and avoid accusatory language.
I meant she was condoning you working off the clock when she contacted and threatened you while you were off the clock.

There are two different issues. One is the TL contacting you with work related messages while you were off and the other is whether or not you got something done.

Do not even bring it up to the TL, take it to HR. She had no right whatsoever to message you about it when you were gone. I can not stress enough how important it is for you to go to HR and let them resolve it. I would not let someone get away with it on me or anyone on my team.
I meant she was condoning you working off the clock when she contacted and threatened you while you were off the clock.

There are two different issues. One is the TL contacting you with work related messages while you were off and the other is whether or not you got something done.

Do not even bring it up to the TL, take it to HR. She had no right whatsoever to message you about it when you were gone. I can not stress enough how important it is for you to go to HR and let them resolve it. I would not let someone get away with it on me or anyone on my team.


In life if you have a problem with somebody it is always best to try and resolve it by communicating with the person that you are having a problem with.

Having good conflict resolution skills is key to advancing in life.
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It is not always best to try and resolve the problem with the person. In this case we have a TL who is overstepping their bounds and taking it outside of work. That is a lose-lose situation all around.

Look you can say what you like but it's plain and simple. He was not working. He was not getting paid. He was not on the time clock. Understand? Do you go to the SFTs house when your air conditioner breaks? Do you go to the bank tellers house when you want to withdraw money?

See in life, as you mention, there are certain rules and guidelines we all go by. When we break those rules or guidelines we deal with the ramifications. No seatbelt? Ticket! Didn't pay your light bill? No power! Message a TM while they are off the clock and threaten them about work? Corrective action up to and including termination. Why should the TL get off when they knew it was wrong?
You have an exceptionally negative outlook on things. All the situations that you listed can typically result in warnings first, penalties later. I was a few days late paying my car insurance last month and they didn't penalize me, they gave me 10 days of grace time. Of course I contacted my insurance agency when I realized I was going to be late 🙂 Communication is key.

Considering the texting took place minutes after OP left the store, I do not think it is a major overstepping of bounds.

I'm just saying that its win-win all the way around by resolving this without having to get HR involved. If the TL continues to be a problem then HR is a more appropriate option.

I've taken ownership of my problems, and the TLs at my store highly respect me for it because it shows that I have accountability. Of course there are a lot of children who work at Target and don't know about such things 😀
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The TL was wrong and there is no other way to look at it. The TL must take ownership of the problem and be accountable, that way she gets the respect she deserves. Seeing as condoning work off of the clock is grounds for termination there can only be 1 solution, you don't get a CA for this. So to avoid being branded as a child the OP should demonstrate courage, challenge upwards and communicate effectively by going to HR. (Is that enough Target lingo for you? I can do it too!)

By the way you are using demonstrates accountability wrong and trying to use it as an example to completely ignore the rules the TL broke make you appear ignorant.
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