Archived New Guy! Flow Team Member!

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Nov 11, 2011
Hello. I have recently been hired on as a Flow Team Member for the holiday season. I am kind of taking a step back as I am currently a warehouse supervisor for a local auto parts dealer. I am waiting for them to call me to tell me when my orientation will be. During the job offer, the interviewer really liked that I am somewhat mechanically inclined, so he told me he was going to cross train me as a bike builder. Although I was hired on as a seasonal guy, he kind of acted like the bike gig would keep me around longer. I am anxious to know what to expect with both of these jobs! Any advice/help/experience stories would be awesome and much appreciated! 😀
Greetings and salutations.
Lots of good threads with info (though I don't remember any on bike building).
Check out the sticky with Target talk, it's very useful.
from another thread:
We've had a bike builder in our store for almost 2 years. They have a training video that really sucks because it doesn't really let you look at the parts and it goes pretty fast. We had "training" bikes that we used and slow-mo'd the video while we built along with the video which did help a bit. It isn't really hard, though, if you follow the training materials. The bikes are mostly built and it's a matter of putting together big main parts and adjusting brakes and gears. I found the gear adjustments to be the most difficult, but I think the tools they give us are kind of cheap. I wish we would have been able to have 2 builders, actually. It would have been good to have one build and the other check the work - sort of a quality control system. A lot depends upon organization and time.
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GTC for the master of hardlines, couldn't find that one.
Welcome to the forum!

Here's advice to stay longer than the Seasonal position, do NOT call off and show interest in learning other workcenters (for you as Flow see about getting into Backroom)
Welcome to the forum!

Here's advice to stay longer than the Seasonal position, do NOT call off and show interest in learning other workcenters (for you as Flow see about getting into Backroom)

The exact advice, word for word, I gave the seasonals around this time of year 2010. A handful actually followed that advice and stayed on.
hey! i'm also on Flow, but I cross trained in lots of other work centers. Instocks, Pricing, Cashier, Backroom and Softlines. Not everything, but I can do a lot at Target. Also, not being cocky, just trying my hand at different things! The more work centers you cross train in, the better chance you have at staying on full time, or past the seasonal work. For flow, the best bet for you would be backroom, very quiet and you get to concentrate on work with out guest interruption, although Target is all about "Can I help you find something?" 🙂

Good luck and I hope you continue on with Target!
Welcome StuntGuitarist! Flow will be a early and back breaking experience BUT do your best and never call out or slack, Spot will keep you for however long you wanna stay. Also try and get into Backroom, Instocks or Bike Building as you mentioned. Flow will start to get old after awhile so you need to be a jack of all trades! Flow members get a bad wrap from a lot of people, just follow your TL and ETL and you'll be fine.
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