Archived Newest Target Electronics Member!

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May 25, 2016
Hey guys! Just got hired at Target Electronics on the spot after my interview! At first, they rejected my application, I got one of those automated e-mails stating that they weren't hiring, however about a week later, I received another email asking me to come in for an interview in which they offered me a job in Electronics! I'm a tad nervous as I am only 16 years old and this job will be my first in retail, however I am hoping you all here could help guide me to being a successful Target team member! Orientation Wednesday!
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
I got one of those automated e-mails stating that they weren't hiring

I got one after I was hired LOL I was like "Aw man, Target rejected me." It was a pending application I had for Flow Team. I was hired for Softlines, and like it lots, though. Anyway, welcome! I've heard Electronics is a great part of the store to work, (per my boyfriend, another fellow Electronics TM).
Hey guys! Just got hired at Target Electronics on the spot after my interview! At first, they rejected my application, I got one of those automated e-mails stating that they weren't hiring, however about a week later, I received another email asking me to come in for an interview in which they offered me a job in Electronics! I'm a tad nervous as I am only 16 years old and this job will be my first in retail, however I am hoping you all here could help guide me to being a successful Target team member! Orientation Wednesday!

I started as sales floor but got moved up 2 months later into Electronics. I'd say research online on different electronics so you can better help guest understand what their buying, how it works, or any questions they might have. Read up on cameras, tv's, apple products, gaming consoles, prepaid phones etc. You'll likely gain all this knowledge with experience but it helps to know a bit more.
I started as sales floor but got moved up 2 months later into Electronics. I'd say research online on different electronics so you can better help guest understand what their buying, how it works, or any questions they might have. Read up on cameras, tv's, apple products, gaming consoles, prepaid phones etc. You'll likely gain all this knowledge with experience but it helps to know a bit more.
Additionally you can do what I did and read the box when the guest asks "how does it work/what does it come with/does it do x/etc"
I applied for backroom and was email rejected and then was called in to interview for backroom, only to have the Electronics TL steal me away after an interview with a different TL. Keep yourself open to possibilities! The best advice I was given was that even if you can't help a guest find what they were looking for, they will generally appreciate seeing you try.

Also, get friendly with mobile if they'll be around, they can make things significantly smoother regularly.
Whoa whoa whoa there's an Electronics TL at your store damn I'm jealous

Also seconding the mobile thing. Mobile can be your best friend if you get along. I'm on hella good terms with the two at my store and they're always willing to help me out. You can't blame them for not helping either, though. Since they don't work for Target they technically don't have to help you at all. Your store might not even let them help you.
Whoa whoa whoa there's an Electronics TL at your store damn I'm jealous

Unless the store is extremely high volume, the aforementioned TL is more than likely a hardlines TL who owns electronics. Dedicated electronics TLs are few and far between.
Unless the store is extremely high volume, the aforementioned TL is more than likely a hardlines TL who owns electronics. Dedicated electronics TLs are few and far between.
Damn part of me wouldn't have minded going for an electronics TL position but hahaha extremely high volume no thanks I like my low volume store
Hey guys! Just got hired at Target Electronics on the spot after my interview! At first, they rejected my application, I got one of those automated e-mails stating that they weren't hiring, however about a week later, I received another email asking me to come in for an interview in which they offered me a job in Electronics! I'm a tad nervous as I am only 16 years old and this job will be my first in retail, however I am hoping you all here could help guide me to being a successful Target team member! Orientation Wednesday!
Welcome! Be fast! Be smart! Work hard! Be positive! Don't ncns three days in a row! The target way! Woohoo! :po_O
Unless the store is extremely high volume, the aforementioned TL is more than likely a hardlines TL who owns electronics. Dedicated electronics TLs are few and far between.
We've got an electronics TL she's a srTL and she's rarely got anything to do so LODs usually end up making her zone toys or flex bulk items mahahaha:eek:
Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room.

Before I was AP I got stuck in electroncis for a while. I highly suggest, like others have, getting griendly with the black shirts at Target Mobile. When it gets crazy, they can be your saving grace.

Enjoy the ride.
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