Archived Outbound Tracking

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Jan 28, 2015
Question for any receivers, when going to ship salvage pallets in outbound tracking if I hit "pallet not found" will this permanently remove it from tracking or will it show back up later? The reason I ask is because the last 3 receivers in my store have not shipped the pallets out in the application and there are over 100 salvage pallets to be shipped out in the system now. Also, do they even care if you do salvage right?
From another thread, that may help:
So I was having a problem with coming back from a weekend and finding the salvage pallet over-full, with too much to fit on one pallet. Found a solution from re-reading the info on Outbound Tracking. First, make sure every batch is scanned into the current pallet label. After making sure everything is tracked to that pallet label, wrap whatever you can and take the remainder that won't fit. In Outbound Tracking toggle to "remove from pallet" and scan all of those items off the original label, then start a new pallet and scan them in piece by piece. It sucks and takes a little time but that's the only current way to generate a 100% accurate electronic BOL for the sweep. Obviously, leave the boxes of small stuff and just move big single items to the new pallet if possible.

Also, @FivemagicS the original info I read said receiving scans the GS batches into the pallet. If you can get GS to take care of that it would probably be easier, but getting someone from the front to come to the back with the boxes of salvage *and* a PDA *and* the know-how on how to do all this is strictly not an option at my store. All we get is a cart attendant sent back late in the night, in a rush to drop off some recycling and the boxes he only knows are color coded - green stickers go on one pallet, yellow stickers on the other. Seems to be working OK for me to scan their stuff in, we'll see how it plays out.
I am not sure if selecting pallet not found will remove the pallet. Maybe after that "selecting not found" a few times will take care of it. Trying to clear out that many pallets has to be furstrating every week. You can try my supporting the issue. I would love to know what their response would be. If HQ cared about the accuracy of Oubound Tracking would the ETL/LOG received email from HQ? This is time cosuming task that at store level I just do not see the benfit.
Thank you @vendordontmesswithme for getting an answer out for this poor fellow.

What I believe @Backroom22 is asking is how to remove the pallets ID's from the Outbound Tracking app on the PDA. I honestly don't know, but I would just clear it all out like you believe should be done. IMO it should be cleared out by selecting the pallets, BUT try the 'pallet not found' option first. Sounds easier and makes them go away.

If you do chose to send out all the pallets though, the problem will then lie with the Outbound BOL on Workbench. I wonder if you could just do an Outbound BOL, add all the previous Salvage pallets to it and just print a copy to keep at the store (obviously you wouldn't have the driver sign it since they have been shipped out goodness knows how long ago).

Salvage pallets aren't graded like the CRC pallets are but it's still $$$ for the company.

Do you have CRC pallets in there as well or where those done correctly?


Submit a MySupport and hope for a logical and reasonable answer, LOL!
Every once in a great while you do get someone that actually reads your issue and gives you a palatable answer.
Thanks for responding. I submitted a Mysupport for the issue hopefully that will get them cleared out. CRC is the same way, it has like 50+ pallets for it I have not had to ship one of those yet, but I will try the 'pallet not found' next week when I ship. I asked my ETL and she told me just to go ahead and send the salvage today without shipping it in outbound tracking. It's crazy that my store has not done this properly since the start of outbound tracking and that no one has noticed that no eBOLs were being done for our store.
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