Pet Peeves at work

Formina Sage

Probably still better than you at the stacker
Staff member
May 15, 2011
This thread exists in Off The Clock for everyday pet peeves, but might as well get one going here :)

I hate hate HATE it when there's no soap/towels in the break room. :mad:
I hate it when my departments metrics are red, the store is insanely busy, I finally get relief in the form of a 2nd person with shift overlap, and the LOD pulls both of us out of Electronics thus leaving the department unattended.

Then at the morning huddle (I close-open multiple times a week) my department gets singled out for poor scores multiple weeks in a row and I'm asked what I'm doing to fix it.

Somehow, even though I'm never allowed to focus on doing my job and putting the guests first 100% of the time, we blow sales numbers out of the water. I feel so bad for the guests at my store.

Sorry my pet peeve was "Stupid-think-they-know-what-they-are-doing-recent-grad-LODs" Target needs to fire all the asshat management that thinks we are Walmart.
I hate it when I do tasks that need doing without waiting for them to be assigned yet they're not acknowledged but our new little brown-noser always talks about the 1 little thing HE'S done & gets GTCs all over the board.
I hate how maybe four and five of us on the sales floor are the only ones who ever respond to guest first. Yet we are the only ones who get yelled at for not responding to guest first. The rest of the sales floor since they never respond to guest first its not considered part of their job.

Oh I hate the fact TLs LODs spit out "target speak" when you ask them a question! Really are you that Fing stupid that you can't come up with your OWN original thoughts and ideas?

I hate the fact that one LOD and GSA talk to TMs in such a rude way that if I ever spoke to them like that I would be fired on the spot.
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This one doesn't apply to Target exclusively, but when I'm using the bathroom and someone knocks on the door...

If the door is closed, and the light is on, you can safely assume someone is in there. I might have to print up a stop sign to hang on the door, you know, like they have in preschool :facepalm:
This one doesn't apply to Target exclusively, but when I'm using the bathroom and someone knocks on the door...

If the door is closed, and the light is on, you can safely assume someone is in there. I might have to print up a stop sign to hang on the door, you know, like they have in preschool :facepalm:

And the door is locked! It didn't lock itself, stupid!:rolleyes:
People that come into the backroom and distract my already easy-to-distract team members. You have a job out on the floor, get the hell out of here.
This one doesn't apply to Target exclusively, but when I'm using the bathroom and someone knocks on the door...

If the door is closed, and the light is on, you can safely assume someone is in there. I might have to print up a stop sign to hang on the door, you know, like they have in preschool :facepalm:

The sign might read occupied?

People that come into the backroom and distract my already easy-to-distract team members. You have a job out on the floor, get the hell out of here.

This one is a gem.:thumbsup: The same can be said for flow team when they are pushing and other TMs are arriving for their shifts.
Anyone who works in pharmacy might agree with this one...."discount cards" (or loyalty cards, whatever the particular manufacturer wants to call them). Why can't they just make them like coupons instead of "third party insurance"??? Half the guests don't read the instructions on them and almost every company is different. SOOO annoying!!!
When it take's the GSTL an hour to get change because she is chatting it up with her friends at the service desk.

I hate when that happens because as every guests comes I hope they are using a debit so I don't run out of change.
When ETLs outnumber the salesfloor 4-1 and they call out the pulls "Salesfloor there are 12 pulls on the line". Well then help me out and work one!
GSTLS that allow cashiers to push carts, zone, or chat while the salesfloor team (both of us) are still on the lanes. Speedweave please
Guest Survey! Putting too much emphasis on the score. We are allowing a small portion of our guests tell us how we are doing. It is one reporting tool of many and should not be considered the Holy Grail of scores
The ETL lunch table. They push round tables together and eat all at the same time. If Team members and TLs all left the salesfloor at the same time, we would be written up. How about sitting with one of the underlings every now and then
Team members who come to work with a crappy attitude. If you think life is so much sweeter at Walmart, Costco, Sams etc, then go! People like that are like a cancer in the workplace.
I like my job, I really do. These things don't happen everyday, but when they do it irks me
I absolutely LOOVE when my ETL gets on the walkie and yells about "Why are the pulls piling up in the backroom? munch munch?"

Well asshat because you scheduled me with one team member in the middle of the day. Plano is gone, instocks is gone, pricing is gone, fitting room is on break so the salesfloor team member is covering and market is doing a frozen pull. I'm the only one pushing the pulls while you're sitting on your ass in the office playing Solitaire. Also, your buddy from the morning let his team go home at 8 leaving a crapton of ************ from the truck that has to be pushed, and now you want your tasklist done 2 hours ago. Well, I'm sorry but you didn't schedule anyone to get this ************ done, so that endcap is going to be empty until I get some help.

"You're the TLOD make it work."

I want your paycheck.
I hate it when people who receive book shipments throw out the Levy Home Entertainment boxes that they come in - those boxes are perfect for shipping my MIRs out, can you not see my dwindling stockpile of them right by the desk?

I also can't stand when team members leave leaky ESIM defectives on the desk or on the floor! BAG AND SEAL IT, people! I don't want to have to walk to the desk and "discover" your "gift", thereby having to clean an entire container's worth of laundry soap off the desk/floorpad/cement because you didn't want to contain the spill yourself!
I hate it how our dedicated backroom team member who works in the p fresh backroom has a set schedule Monday through friday with 8 hr shifts on the truck days and 7 hr shifts on the non truck days. This person doesnt work weekends.

I hate it how on the other truck day when i am the only dedicated backroom tm backstocking our truck that I get 7 hrs shifts while our other backroom guys gets 8 hr shifts. Yet, i am pressured to the get the same amount done as he does but with one less hour to do it in.

I hate it how when i go above and beyond to help my p fresh area that i dont get the recognition i deserve from my fellow p fresh tms. They say they should handle it (the stuff i know how to do but its not my "job" to do).

I hate how my TL and ETL in p fresh and backroom dont dont recognize how much I actually do. Its funny how team leads and ETLs from other departments tell me i am a hard worker when my currents TL and ETL dont tell me this.

Really? A couple Great Team Cards and everything is hunky dory?
Last month I was a little short with my rent. I handed my landlord a stack of Great Team Cards, but he wouldn't take them. They didn't mean anything to him either.
Really? A couple Great Team Cards and everything is hunky dory?
Last month I was a little short with my rent. I handed my landlord a stack of Great Team Cards, but he wouldn't take them. They didn't mean anything to him either.

I hate it when I get to work and there is a MAJOR backlog of rx's to do! They didn't call me in early because they "couldn't afford the extra hours" (now, if she LEFT 5 hours early and they called me IN 2 hours early, how is that EXTRA hours???)...this despite the fact that NOBODY there really knew how to process the electronic ones and barely knew how to type the paper ones (there were pharmacist interns & 1 tech who is even newer than me). When I got there, NOBODY was typing and there were 20+ electronic ones & 4 paper ones for people who were IN the store that needed to be "ready" in 15 minutes! I don't process often so I'm not exactly "speedy" when it comes to typing, but I managed to muddle my way through....did I even get a "Great Team Card"? Of course not! :mad:
Came in to a loooooooong task list & finished everything except one. No recognition for everything finished, just 'feedback' for the one I didn't get done (& it was little crap).
Came in to a loooooooong task list & finished everything except one. No recognition for everything finished, just 'feedback' for the one I didn't get done (& it was little crap).

It's uncommon to get noticed for the good efforts, but far too common to get easily noticed for a mistake or incomplete task, such is spot... I mean, life.