Archived Possible way to corrupt/crash a PDA?

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Mar 20, 2012
I'm a backroom TM and the other day I think I stumbled upon a way to crash a PDA. Now I did not actually go through and do it, nor will I try to attempt doing it... but naturally I'm curious, and hopefully one of you guys can shed some light on it.

EDIT - I've decided to delete the steps on how to do this (after the encouragement of insiteful1). Probably shouldn't publicly post that sort of stuff...

The only reason I came across this was because I was bored and curious what the PDA could do. But I feel like if the wrong person found out how to do this, they could do some serious software damage to a PDA. Most ways to attempt to get onto the control panel, C: Drive, or any other important places are blocked so that team members can't screw around with PDAs... which is why I was surprised I was able to access it without an Admin Password.

I don't want to test this out, because I'm afraid I'll crash the PDA and not be able to fix it. But it does worry me that anyone with a PDA can play around/delete with files on the C: Drive.

Is this a serious issue? Or should I just forget about it?
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If you're working in the backroom (or any workcenter), you really shouldn't be messing around with the PDA. The last thing you need is for it to crash when you're in the middle of backstocking or pulling a CAF or whatever. And your team will not be happy if they're down a PDA, let alone if backstock/pulls get screwed up.

My advice: don't ever do it, don't ever say anything about it - that way, you have a clean conscience.
Why would anyone want to do this, I mean if you want to destroy it that bad all you have to do is throw it against the wall, or drop it in water. Of course you will lose your job either way.
I'm curious if there's a way to convert a Gift Registry PDA to an LPDA...
I'm curious if there's a way to convert a Gift Registry PDA to an LPDA...

That would be awesome. We have at least five registry PDAs at my store and it seems like we never have more than two in use at the same time. If it were possible to do that, Guest Service would never be without a PDA and wouldn't have to call over the GSTL just to do an item search or the LP Audit.
It can be done, but spot won't tell. We had gotten a regular lpda back from repair in registry mode. We did the MobileMe to rebuild per helpless desk & nothing worked. We were directed to sent it back.
I hava a question, has anyone tried the spot mobile app scanner on lp audits? Sorry to be off topic.
I think you figured out how to open a context menu that lets you get to the file explorer. No big deal, anything you do there can be fixed by reloading the software with MyMobileSupport.
I think you figured out how to open a context menu that lets you get to the file explorer. No big deal, anything you do there can be fixed by reloading the software with MyMobileSupport.

The disk image is on the pda, once you cradle it and reload the software it goes back to factory defaults, erasing any 'damage' or mp3's you might have loaded.
Yup. I'm pretty sure there's another existing post on the site where someone else discovered how to do this. Like I said, no biggie, but thanks anyway to the OP for being conscientious enough to edit the info out of your post.
theres a nifty little .mp3 that makes your pda sound like a laser gun, set windows media player to loop and have a laser fight
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