Archived Proper procedure if attacked by a Guest?

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Front of Store Attendant
Apr 19, 2012
So today was the first day I felt threatened by physical attack by a Guest. Luckily it didn't come to that but they were so enraged I was getting concerned because I was unsure of proper procedure. So my question is does anybody know the proper procedure on how to deal with them should one ever start throwing down? For those who don't know I'm going to be trained as a GSA sometime soon here and thought I should check first. Can I myself contact authorities or do I have to first request the presence or authorization of an LOD?
Probably not "proper" procedure but once we had a drunk man talking to a tm and holding her arm to the wall, I called security to xxx over the walkie and luckily a non-moron ETL who no Longer works with us came to help quickly.

If I really felt threatened.... Truly needed to protect myself, I would beat the boogers out of a guest.
I know that we are not allowed to stop shoplifters, because Spot likes to do everything by the book. But if I were ever assualted by a guest, I don't care if there would be consequences, I am going to defend myself. What would they expect us to do, take it lying down. I can see it now, "Earlier today a Target employee was assaulted by an angry guests, the guests threw punches and the team member did not do anything to defend themselves, they said it was against best practice. However, the employee was recognized by management with a great team card for his efforts in following best practice".
I'm pretty sure if you attacked anyone, even in defense, at any job you would probably be fired.
This happened at my previous store. The tm was placed on a final warning for conduct. But when it comes down protecting yourself is way more important then your job with target.
We had a cashier who was verbally assaulted by a guest,one of many of course,but is this case the cashier floored the guest with a right hook,she was sent home immediately and fired later that day,never heard anything about a lawsuit.
If you can call the AP and/or LOD over before things escalate you've followed the rules.
If things go 0 to 60 and getting physical before you have a chance to call for backup, you have the right to protect yourself up to the point that you can step away and call for back up.
It all comes down to getting other people there who are higher up than you.
Also, the registers have a help button to contact the Gstl for help with a guest without talking on the radio. I have used in electronics for th weird guests/transaction(excessive gift cards).
isn't there also a code for this? code red or something, for if you feel threatened by an unruly guest? to flood the area with red shirts?
Also, the registers have a help button to contact the Gstl for help with a guest without talking on the radio. I have used in electronics for th weird guests/transaction(excessive gift cards).

Some stores. *Atleast mine* A gsa never usually has the LPDA/PDA on them.
So today was the first day I felt threatened by physical attack by a Guest. Luckily it didn't come to that but they were so enraged I was getting concerned because I was unsure of proper procedure. So my question is does anybody know the proper procedure on how to deal with them should one ever start throwing down? For those who don't know I'm going to be trained as a GSA sometime soon here and thought I should check first. Can I myself contact authorities or do I have to first request the presence or authorization of an LOD?

Put your safety first ahead of calling the LOD, but if the situation is not that bad call the LOD first. Don't overreact.

My store was located in the ghetto. When I worked there as a TL, I actually feared the TMs. We had an agreement with a lot of the social works organizations to help hire at risk youth. Supposedly all of them were ex-gang members trying to turn their life around, but I suspected a lot of them were still in the game.

One day we had a 40 something year old white guy follow a 19 year old black cart attendant (about 6' tall and 220 pounds) in to the store. (one of the guys I thought was a current gang member) The white guy started raging on him because he pushed the carts in front of his car forcing him to have to stop and wait for the cart line to get through the parking lot. The guy was in his face, and then he shoved the cart attendant with both hands. Big mistake. Our cart attendant punched him and the guy went down to the ground immediately. The cart attendant got on top of him and was just viciously beating him. We tried pulling him off and he almost started attacking us. After about 4 minutes of constant beating him the cart attendant got up and ran out the door before the cops got there. The guy actually went in to a seizure and was covered in so much blood I couldn't even make out his face.

I felt bad for him, but I bet he never puts his hands on a retail worker again. We never heard from the cart attendant again, obviously HR told the cops all his contact info. I'm sure they probably came to his house.
That's why I'm happy there's a solid counter between us and our guests over in pharmacy. A guest would literally have to jump OVER the counter to get to us, and there's not a whole lot of room to do it (maybe 2 feet?). We also have a spray bottle of alcohol near the registers that we could use to "disorient" anyone who actually did so they'd be at a MAJOR disadvantage....
I had a guest go nutzo on me once. As things started to escalate, I held my finger on the talk button on the walkie. I had security, 2TLs and the LOD at service desk in less than 30 seconds. Maybe not the "brand" way to go, but my safety and the other service desk team member was most important to me at that point. I figured if she did hit me I had multiple witnesses as to what was said leading up to it.
I had a guest go nutzo on me once. As things started to escalate, I held my finger on the talk button on the walkie. I had security, 2TLs and the LOD at service desk in less than 30 seconds. Maybe not the "brand" way to go, but my safety and the other service desk team member was most important to me at that point. I figured if she did hit me I had multiple witnesses as to what was said leading up to it.

Smart move, gave you witnesses and quick coverage.
I don't see anything non-brand about it.
I know Target wants things like this kept low key but they also don't want anyone hurt so I suspect that if it keeps there from being blood they'll be happy.
How do cashiers get a hold of the GSTL/GSA if they need help with something without using the help menu?

Hit there light and wait and if its too long of a wait, call guest service lol .We dont utilize the help menu at our store I'm usually the one that helps with the blinkers for getting DPCI's, Price checks, ect if its something like a change request or manager type questions that only a GSA could handle I'd call for them.
luckily i'm intimidating enough that i don't have this problem. But if a guest attacked me lol, they're getting stunned wherever the opening is and there will be a few more punches coming which should resolve the situation.

Lol if the assailant is big enough to take me, I'm calling every ETL on deck to the location for "guest assistance" and then I'm making like a tree and getting the @#$% out of there!!!

ps I may or may not be such a tough guy in real life....but this is the internet, where I am basically Chuck Norris.
If a guest puts their hands on me, I'll grab my walkie, tell LOD/s someone attack me and I would fight back in 5 secs, start counting from 5 to 1, and punch them back.

Of course I would be smiling back at the guest while doing all that.
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