Archived Question about Starbucks employment

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Aug 19, 2016
Hi, I'm new here, happy I found this place! I'll give some background on my experience so far, I'd like to know if it's the same everywhere else.

So I started working for Target about three months ago. Left my full time job elsewhere, under the impression that I would be able to get at least close to full time hours with Target at a higher pay rate and a better quality of life. I gave them my full availibility and told them I wanted to be full time. They told me I could work both Starbucks and Food Ave as well as cashier shifts and that there were always shifts available on the board to make up more hours. As it turns out, none of this was really accurate. I applied for Food Ave, got stuck at Starbucks instead, where I'm only getting 13-18 hours a week. They won't train me at Food Ave no matter how much I bug them about it. I actually really like Starbucks but I want to be able to do both. We have 12 people on staff between the two areas, so hours are hard to come by. There's never any shifts up for grabs, if there are they're in soft lines or back room or something I can't do. I'm not there often enough to catch any of the cashier shifts that go up. I guess they like me too much at Starbucks to let me work anywhere else because they keep putting me on closing shifts and telling me I'm the only person that does it right. I'm happy to get the praise but my paychecks don't reflect the quality of work I put in. I deserve better.

Anyway, I applied for a job at a standalone Starbucks store. My plan was to work two jobs and just limit my availibility at Target to mornings and early afternoons 3 days a week and give the regular Starbucks my late afternoons and evenings all week. I've been slowly going through the hiring process and today she told me she's not sure that I can actually work at both a Starbucks and a Target Starbucks at the same time but she is looking into it. I don't see why it should be a problem as I'm currently being paid by Target. Anyone have any experience with this? Starbucks would give me more hours for less pay so I would still need a second job, but I'm worried about being able to move to a different area at Target since I'm already having a hard time getting cross trained. I don't want to quit and lose my employee discount mostly, it's helping a lot with saving on groceries. And one Starbucks paycheck at 30 hours a week isn't going to be enough to pay my bills. It probably wouldn't be any better than my 13-18 hour a week Target checks.

Sorry for the novel, I've been insanely stressed out financially since I started working at Target. If I knew it was going to be this bad I would have never taken the job. People can't live on 13 hours a week. And on top of that one of my coworker's told me not to tell anyone I was getting a second job because target is funny about that and will cut your hours out of spite. That's just evil, considering the hours I get now are already shit. Does Target even care about our ability to survive and pay our bills?
They keep telling me "they're gonna work on it" and that everyone needs to be cross trained between the two. Where do I find hiring needs specifically? I know college kids are going back to school soon but I fear that means they will just hire more and we will keep being stuck with a couple 4 hour shifts a week. Nobody in my store gets over 20 hours except team leads it seems. It's crazy. They told me right when I got hired they were told to cut hours across the board from the higher ups.
Thank you! I was hoping this is the case. The hiring manager at the store I applied to said she would find out from her DM next week and let me know. I can't take stressing about this all weekend so I was hoping someone here might be able to set my mind at ease. I'm 99% sure I have the other job in the bag. I can't survive off of one income at Target unless they give me 35-40 hours and that's clearly not happening for any of us at my store. We have all asked.
I plan on making the standalone a primary. They will at least give me healthcare at 20 hours a week. I'm just hoping I can stay at target a couple days a week without issue.
Oh is it 90 days? Well good thing that's coming up soon! I didn't know this, thanks
Awesome thank you! That is encouraging to hear! I really love the job and I'm glad that's where Target stuck me. A high volume store is going to be much more my speed. I hate working by myself, and my store doesn't get very busy, sometimes I can go an hour without any guests.
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