Archived Red 360

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Sep 20, 2011
I guess its supposed to be a fb for tms at target according to my hr maybe a response to message boards such as this one?

I have read about this on one of the flyers at work or something like that. It does look like a social media base for TM's, but I doubt they would want some of us voicing our opinion about Spot on there, lol or that we would even dare to. Nonetheless I will check it out once it is up and see what it is all about.
No doubt its set up by the minister of target propaganda "Von Spot"
Invictustaylor: Hey Friends, Hi. Just got home from work, and all the way back, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I love my job...I love life. I'm kindof pooped so I'm going to imbibe in some munchalicious (is that a word lol?) Market Pantry Orange Juice. Then I'm going to take my Harajuku backpack out in public and see if I can provoke random strangers to beat me up for my fake bubbly personaility!!!
It's bad enough that they'd have your IPO, among other info. They'd probably have it littered with tracking cookies to follow you around.
It's bad enough that they'd have your IPO, among other info. They'd probably have it littered with tracking cookies to follow you around.

Really? Cause I heard spot has put microchips into the flue vaccines!!! That's why I politely refuse everytime our ETL's come around and ask if we are bearing the mark yet.
Invictustaylor: Hey Friends, Hi. Just got home from work, and all the way back, I couldn't stop thinking about how much I love my job...I love life. I'm kindof pooped so I'm going to imbibe in some munchalicious (is that a word lol?) Market Pantry Orange Juice. Then I'm going to take my Harajuku backpack out in public and see if I can provoke random strangers to beat me up for my fake bubbly personaility!!!
You better be wearing head to tow missoni or Jason Wu or calypso as well 🙂
Don't forget to also be sport'n your C9 fitness outfit and jam to the Only @ Target Mariah Carey deluxe album 😛
You can't include every possible plug everytime you blog or update your status. Just strategically slip a couple in here and there!
You can't (my last post btw was making fun of some of the might to be comments that will probably be posted on Red 360), but people probably will. Or worse, you will have people from Corporate "editing" statuses to make them fast, fun and friendly. But we will see if this can be somewhat opinionated , but I doubt it.
You can't (my last post btw was making fun of some of the might to be comments that will probably be posted on Red 360), but people probably will. Or worse, you will have people from Corporate "editing" statuses to make them fast, fun and friendly. But we will see if this can be somewhat opinionated , but I doubt it.

lol status alignment!!!
I cant see this being a facebook page. Anyone can join it then. Non TM, Former or current. No way to validate either. It has to be a company bulit site strictly for current employees. (yes I said the E word. Deal with it :lol:
sorry we don't have employees, just team members. As a tm, the expectation is that you respect and utilize company lingo. This is a verbal coaching and I hope you know it will go down on your permanent record!
sorry we don't have employees, just team members. As a tm, the expectation is that you respect and utilize company lingo. This is a verbal coaching and I hope you know it will go down on your permanent record!

He doesn't work for Spot anymore. He's at Wally World nowadays.
Target is coming out with it's own social networking site?

I want this to happen if only for the complete and utter failure it is going to be.
I was having a little nose around at work this morning on sharepoint and there is couple of emails sent out and an interesting powerpoint about the way team members feel the need to collaborate via social media to better themselves in the work environment. This forum is mentioned a couple of times. I also chuckled to myself as I read, I forget the exact wording but it goes something like (and you can tell the shock and horror in cooperate voice as he's writing this) "And social media such as " where you don't even need a target email to access it, making it available to anyone on the web"

Liek OMG...everyone is going to find out Target secrets!
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