Archived Rudeness at Food Ave

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Guest: "Gimmie 2 senior coffees and a bag of chips."
Me: "Okay ma'am, is that going to be all for you?"
Guest: *ignores me*
Me: "Okay, it's gonna be $2.79."
*guest pays, I hand them their chips back, start to grab the coffee cups; the deli TL comes over*
TL: "Hey, so you know you were late this morning right?"
Me: "Yeah, sorry about that I was stuck behind a -"
Guest *loudly* "EXCUSE ME, MY COFFEES!?"
Me *louder, acting like she is deaf* "SORRY, HERE YOU GO!"
Guest: "Well, I'm not deaf!"
Me: "I'm not either."

Lots of fun stories today!

"Hi there ma'am, what can I get for you?"
Lady: *mumble mumble mumble*
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that please?"
Lady: *mumble mumble* "... fat fucking retard." *walks away*
I go to refill some condiments, and when I pick up the little bucket thing, someone has squirted ketchup all over the underside of the container, AND on the inside where I put my hand... and it wasn't even the container for the ketchup...
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Lady: "Hey, I've got just a real quick question."
"Okay, I've got an answer."
Lady: "Now the fries... you don't have a fryer back there, do you? Because my son's allergic to peanut oil."
"No ma'am, we don't have a fryer."
Lady: "Okay, well, how do you cook the fries then?"
"Well, we --"
Lady: "Do you microwave them?"
"No ma'am, we don't microwave them. We --"
Lady: *tells her kid that the fries are microwaved*
"We actually bake them in an oven."
Lady: "Oh, so you cook them in a MICROWAVE oven then?"
"... No, I just told you that they aren't microwaved. We use a superheated oven to bake them quickly. It's not a microwave."
Lady: "Let's just go to Wendy's, you like their food there, hun, don't you? Where they actually fry their fries? Not cooked in a microwave."

I'm waiting at Starbucks the other day on my break and a guest walks right up to the counter in front of me. The Starbucks TM tells her "Ummm...she was in line", the guest looks at me and says "Oh, well, she works here, you're supposed to serve real customers first". I just shook my head and made a hand gesture to the TM to say "Go ahead, whatever". She takes the guest's order, writes it on the cup, starts the espresso, then takes my order (which was a pour over). She makes my coffee and rings me out before finishing the guest's drink, all the while, the guest is tapping her nails on the counter. I just smiled and said "Have a nice day!" as I walked away with my completed drink ;)
At my store all that stuff is normally thrown away. May I ask are the pretzels supposed to be warm? At my store there always served cold... I tried it once and was like yuck.

Ew god no!! We have this little metal drawer that is one giant heater. I think it's a humidity cooker, they go in frozen and come out soft and warm/hot.
I'm surprised anybody buys them cold! Lol
They werent in the drawer long enough. Takes at least 1/2 hr to get hot.
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