Archived Simple recognition

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Former Front-End Guru
Staff member
Jun 12, 2011
I thought I'd share a little story with you all. At the morning huddle, an ETL or TL will read the huddle form which includes birthdays. The only birthday was for a closing cashier, so it was kind of brushed off because she wasn't there. As I was leaving that afternoon, she was clocking in. On her way out to the floor, in passing, I wished her a happy birthday. She was taken by surprise! She was confused as to how I knew. Well, I explained that at the huddle this morning it was announced. She said that she passed by several TLs and ETLs while clocking in, and nobody said a word. Actually, in her years of being with the company, nobody in "management" had ever wished her a happy birthday. She gave me a hug and said thanks.

Just a reminder that something simple like that can really make somebody's day, especially if you're in a position of authority. Check out the birthday list either at TSC, or on the "Huddle" app on the PDA.
Don't know how to get to the "Huddle" app. That's shocking though, totally different than @ my store. Our ETL's/LOD's always make it a point to tell us to say happy birthday to somebody if we see them. Heck I've gotten a BD card two years in a row now that was signed by the STL, ETL's and my TL!
I thought I'd share a little story with you all. At the morning huddle, an ETL or TL will read the huddle form which includes birthdays. The only birthday was for a closing cashier, so it was kind of brushed off because she wasn't there. As I was leaving that afternoon, she was clocking in. On her way out to the floor, in passing, I wished her a happy birthday. She was taken by surprise! She was confused as to how I knew. Well, I explained that at the huddle this morning it was announced. She said that she passed by several TLs and ETLs while clocking in, and nobody said a word. Actually, in her years of being with the company, nobody in "management" had ever wished her a happy birthday. She gave me a hug and said thanks.

Just a reminder that something simple like that can really make somebody's day, especially if you're in a position of authority. Check out the birthday list either at TSC, or on the "Huddle" app on the PDA.

Did you feel her boobs rubbing against your chest?

Good man... good man...
Don't know how to get to the "Huddle" app. That's shocking though, totally different than @ my store. Our ETL's/LOD's always make it a point to tell us to say happy birthday to somebody if we see them. Heck I've gotten a BD card two years in a row now that was signed by the STL, ETL's and my TL!

Change your role on the pda to ETL I think.
I think it would be nice if Target would match Kmart's recognition policy. They give their employees their birthday OFF work WITH pay!
I thought I'd share a little story with you all. At the morning huddle, an ETL or TL will read the huddle form which includes birthdays. The only birthday was for a closing cashier, so it was kind of brushed off because she wasn't there. As I was leaving that afternoon, she was clocking in. On her way out to the floor, in passing, I wished her a happy birthday. She was taken by surprise! She was confused as to how I knew. Well, I explained that at the huddle this morning it was announced. She said that she passed by several TLs and ETLs while clocking in, and nobody said a word. Actually, in her years of being with the company, nobody in "management" had ever wished her a happy birthday. She gave me a hug and said thanks.

Just a reminder that something simple like that can really make somebody's day, especially if you're in a position of authority. Check out the birthday list either at TSC, or on the "Huddle" app on the PDA.
I said happy birthday to another cashier recently and he was surprised that I knew it was his birthday. He rarely opens though, so he wasn't there for the huddle, and he didn't know that birthdays are listed on the Inside T-XXXX in the breakroom.
We always get a birthday car tacked to the bulletin board by the time clock every year.
I thought I'd share a little story with you all. At the morning huddle, an ETL or TL will read the huddle form which includes birthdays. The only birthday was for a closing cashier, so it was kind of brushed off because she wasn't there. As I was leaving that afternoon, she was clocking in. On her way out to the floor, in passing, I wished her a happy birthday. She was taken by surprise! She was confused as to how I knew. Well, I explained that at the huddle this morning it was announced. She said that she passed by several TLs and ETLs while clocking in, and nobody said a word. Actually, in her years of being with the company, nobody in "management" had ever wished her a happy birthday. She gave me a hug and said thanks.

Just a reminder that something simple like that can really make somebody's day, especially if you're in a position of authority. Check out the birthday list either at TSC, or on the "Huddle" app on the PDA.

When I first started, a couple of my stores would have a B-Day card signed by the TLs and Execs, and either a $10 gift card/free meal note at FA/small bag of candy.

Later on it became a generic birthday card with the Target Bullseye stamped inside and no signatures.
Did you feel her boobs rubbing against your chest?

Good man... good man...

She's about 70, so I'll pass on that one.

Oh, I just always sign in as SFTM lol.

Yeah, be careful. You can sign in as the ETL-HL or ETL-OPS or whatever without problem. If you sign in as LOD, you'll get LOD alerts (which sometimes are announced over the walkie).
something similar happened at my store. They read off a cashier's birthday at huddle. From that and the first three letters of her last name (as found on schedule), I was able to do some internet detective work. Within hours I had found her facebook, and home address. I decided to stop by her house to give her a suprise birthday visit. She had the same shock that OP described!!!

ps this may or may not have happened...
If you sign in as LOD, you'll get LOD alerts (which sometimes are announced over the walkie).

Actually, this is dependant on your jobcode. You have to be keyed as a GSA, TL or higher to get alerts.

In my store, the only alerts announced on the walkie are the urgent workbench messages regarding seasonal PLU changes. I miss the days of "Change needed"
Actually, this is dependant on your jobcode. You have to be keyed as a GSA, TL or higher to get alerts.

In my store, the only alerts announced on the walkie are the urgent workbench messages regarding seasonal PLU changes. I miss the days of "Change needed"

I've never heard an LOD alert over the walkie aside from the urgent workbench message thing.
Also, I'm not keyed as a GSA, TL or anything special, and PDA/LPDA's will still allow me to log in as a GSTL and receive alerts.
The alerts over the walkie are when the LODs haven't responded to an urgent news that is ...super urgent or it's new and super urgent.
Besides giving your birthday Off WITH Pay (which Sears ALSO did when I worked there) Kmart also gives Time and a Half on Sundays =) And EVERYONE gets ALL holidays PAID! Not Just Full Timers!
Holy moly! That would be amazing!!!
I miss the days of "Change needed"

I wish they would bring this one back. Our GSTL/GSAs always seem to get logged out of the PDA so we have to use the flasher, or else they just take their jolly old time getting change for us.
Not birthday related, but I went to work yesterday and there was a card waiting for me saying "Congratulations on 1 year of service at Target" signed by the STL, ETLs, etc. Of course, there was nothing else in it ;)

Interestingly enough, they forgot to list me on the "Milestones" in the break room~LOL!
I don't want anyone to know its my birthday. I asked the HR to keep it off the table talkers and not to mention it at huddle. I grew up in family that did not celebrate birthdays and it is extremely awkward for me.
Not birthday related, but I went to work yesterday and there was a card waiting for me saying "Congratulations on 1 year of service at Target" signed by the STL, ETLs, etc. Of course, there was nothing else in it ;)

Interestingly enough, they forgot to list me on the "Milestones" in the break room~LOL!

I got my one year card in the mail. The STL and most of the ETLs/SrTLs signed it, including the ETL-Log, who I've never met or worked with.

I don't want anyone to know its my birthday. I asked the HR to keep it off the table talkers and not to mention it at huddle. I grew up in family that did not celebrate birthdays and it is extremely awkward for me.

This reminds me of the first Harry Potter movie when Harry gets Christmas presents for the first time and is all excited.
I work at the store - the store ( unlike my chain-saw ) is not my family - few team members I like - even few I would or do see in the outside world. And how they feel about me --- I couldn't care less.

That being said -- I'm polite and corgel to everyone - but - not past the point of being phony to their face.

I have a big problem with my personal information broadcast to the whole world ! The first time I heard a birth day announced - as soon I could I went to HR and "Told" her that my birth day Will not be said to anyone.
That afternoon I was called into STL Fat-ass's throne room - I went through a 15 minute question section - and my answer to every question was --- "Its personal" !

A few month's later --The day before I reminded HR -- nothing was said at the morning TWT meeting.

But some twat at the desk couldn't have said any louder "Hey ?????????? why didn't you want your birth day announced this morning" ?

She got a right up for divulging personal information
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