Archived Target Mobile to Hardlines

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Electronics and Toys Expert
Jun 2, 2016
So allow me to introduce myself. I started working for Target Mobile in North San Diego in January. I really loved my job but I had to move to Imperial Valley which is like 3 hours away. There is one target here so I tried to transfer my job with mobile BUT since it is kinda dead out here..apparently the Target Mobile in this location had to shut down completely. May was the last month. I was kinda bummed out but I still applied to work Target Hardlines despite my District Manager warning me that there was a 6 month waiting period due to conflict of interest? He also said that it was up to the store. Anyways I got the interview then the second on the same day and offered the job. I am awaiting background check and orientation. They did not mention anything about having to wait 6 months. Is this something I should be concerned with coming up during the hiring process? I hope not because it is a different store in a different district...which no longer has target mobile anyways? Just wondering if I would have the same register numbers. Has anyone went from Target Mobile black shirt to red shirt? Any insight on that? I am excited and hoping to get more hours than I did even though I also got commision selling phones it wasnt much.

Thanks everyone.
We have had a tm who left and then got hired by mobile with in a few weeks. If spot offered you the job I don't think you have anything to worry about
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
I don't understand how it would be competition in the least because every sale Target Mobile makes goes to the store anyway. Each item that Target Mobile sells still goes toward the profit of the store.
It has to do with poaching employees. It looks bad when a people are jumping ship because they get a better offer from thier "partner". It's the same with the carriers like Att or Sprint. Technically there is a six month period where we can't work for Mobile before applying to them, and even then we can't use the reps for references because it looks like they were "recruiting".
Thanks for all the input. My DM had forewarned just heads up they might make you wait 6 months however he did try to transfer me and I did attempt to transfer first. Thats when we found out it was shut down in new location. He said if I went with target he wouldn't mind and that Target could overide the policy. I have heard of cases where a target employee being fired and came back as a mobile lead and ticked some people off but she was able to stay because she it was approved. DM advocated for her.
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