Target not enforcing

Sep 25, 2019
One of our local Targets does NOT enforce the customer mask rule. They are customers, not guests. When are the corporate assholes going to grow a pair of balls and tighten up the rule? Front end folks offer masks, tell them to wear them properly and it fucking stops there.
Call the police, that's their job. Public safety. Set an example that the store isn't fucking around with this. Who the hell cares about Karen? One less bitch to deal with.
It’s too risky for the business to be the first to enforce masks. It’s one thing for a mom and pop store down the road to not let you in, and it’s an entirely different thing for Walmart and/or Target. It benefits the business to appease anti-mask people as much as possible rather than enforcing mask mandates. While I do believe that wearing masks keeps us safer, it’s not going to be enforced at least until Biden comes into office.
Although my county is mixed with conservatives and liberals, our sheriff has publicly announced that his police officers will not enforce any mask mandate.
It’s too risky for the business to be the first to enforce masks. It’s one thing for a mom and pop store down the road to not let you in, and it’s an entirely different thing for Walmart and/or Target. It benefits the business to appease anti-mask people as much as possible rather than enforcing mask mandates. While I do believe that wearing masks keeps us safer, it’s not going to be enforced at least until Biden comes into office.
Although my county is mixed with conservatives and liberals, our sheriff has publicly announced that his police officers will not enforce any mask mandate.
If Cosco can do it, then Target can do it. Your store leadership just doesn't care enough. At our store, the Store Leader will get called to escort someone out of the store. I've only seen it happen twice since April. I do see some people with their masked pulled below nose and if I had to spend more than 2 minutes with them I would probably say something but I don't so I don't.
As fucked up as it is, we work retail. Retail will not turn a customer away, even for the safety of their own employees. All you can do is be safe and follow the rules yourself. Your boss cannot make you stand less than 6ft from a customer. They can't make you touch their non sanitized things, like if you're order pickup and somebody tries to make you move their seat, etc. It's unfortunate but, no one is going to really hold the customer accountable if you're in retail.
at my store, we have an AP guy stand at the front to make sure that people are wearing masks but there's not a lot we can do. most people are pretty good about except for the occassional karen who goes off when someone asks her to put on her mask. but they always make a big scene of things too, so then we actually have a cause to kick them out. it's a policy in our store but people who refuse to wear masks always pull the "i have a medical condition" stuff. i also live in an area where most people don't complain about it so that helps. i just like to remind them that yea it's their right to not wear a mask, but it's also my right to not have to serve them because they're putting my health at risk and i will gladly get someone else to help them ;)
Target protocol is to tell guests that masks covering the mouth and nose are required for guests, vendors, and team members in our stores. Reasonable accommodations have been made for those who cannot/will not wear a mask. They are to be directed to use drive up or any of our other contactless means of shopping. Those who still refuse are documented, flagged if "frequent", aggressive, etc. and they are reviewed by AP for potential trespassing. Only the TSS or AP should address them and at the time they enter the building. All other tm's are supposed to continue their work, but may remind guests to maintain social distancing or ask another tm to assist the guest if they are not comfortable. (Tm's at our store have said "I am uncomfortable that you are not wearing a mask. Please let me get another tm to assist you." I've been told that one day a particularly obnoxious guest was told this by at least 3 different tm's and asked to see a "manager" who then told them that tm safety is a priority and if they can't wear a mask they should consider our contactless shopping. The guest left. Didn't buy anything, but got the message.
If Cosco can do it, then Target can do it. Your store leadership just doesn't care enough. At our store, the Store Leader will get called to escort someone out of the store. I've only seen it happen twice since April. I do see some people with their masked pulled below nose and if I had to spend more than 2 minutes with them I would probably say something but I don't so I don't.
Costco is members only which may have some thing to do with what they can "get away" with while we are open to whatever can drag itself through the front door.
If Cosco can do it, then Target can do it. Your store leadership just doesn't care enough. At our store, the Store Leader will get called to escort someone out of the store. I've only seen it happen twice since April. I do see some people with their masked pulled below nose and if I had to spend more than 2 minutes with them I would probably say something but I don't so I don't.
Our SD wrote up our APL when she threw a guest out of the store for not wearing a mask.
Costco is members only which may have some thing to do with what they can "get away" with while we are open to whatever can drag itself through the front door.
" People are correct in saying that the wearing of masks inside stores is a question of rights — but it's a question of the store owner's rights. Again, a store is private property and the owner can set up any reasonable nondiscriminatory rules governing who can come in. They can even refuse entrance to someone who is wearing a mask, as several bar and store owners have done.

The risk for businesses, of course, is an economic one. Companies that began requiring face masks are trying to strike a balance between providing greater safety for their customers and losing business from those who don't like the rules.

Costco might be losing some business from a boycott that's been organized in opposition to their face-mask rule. But it seems unlikely that they'll be sued."
No Shirt, No Mask, No Service? - FindLaw

I live in a state where it is a state mandate since April in addition to a store rule. The store takes the mask rule seriously for both employees and guests. In states without the mandate perhaps corporate is telling stores not to enforce, I don't know. I probably would be calling the hotline for clarification of the rule if my store wasn't enforcing but it is rare in my part of the state to see anyone in any business not following the mask mandate.
One of our local Targets does NOT enforce the customer mask rule. They are customers, not guests. When are the corporate assholes going to grow a pair of balls and tighten up the rule? Front end folks offer masks, tell them to wear them properly and it fucking stops there.
Front end shouldn’t have to be mask police just like any other business. You can offer one to one who doesn’t wear one in but if they refuse, let them go and don’t bother. Not anyone’s job to chase people over not wearing a mask.
I said nothing about them policing the store, that's AP's gig. They take orders from the STL and the APBP. They're all spineless ball-less automatons, the ones who make the rules.
Most of the STLs and other "execs" I shudder using that word.....are decent hard workers. It's the bozos on the top rung of the mediocrity ladder who have no stones.
I don't know if you recall this but in my state people were STABBED over masks.

No one is paid enough to enforce that. None of us have the deescelation training. It's not safe to enforce.

Do what I do. Cough (in your elbow, not on the guest) and make them think they'll get covid without it.
I don't know if you recall this but in my state people were STABBED over masks.

No one is paid enough to enforce that. None of us have the deescelation training. It's not safe to enforce.

Do what I do. Cough (in your elbow, not on the guest) and make them think they'll get covid without it.
TSS and AP have deescalation training. (They make the same as every other tm. ) The protocol (found on Workbench) is in my previous post. As a tm, you enforce nothing and if you feel unsafe, call a leader.
Our SD wrote up our APL when she threw a guest out of the store for not wearing a mask.
"Threw a guest out" as in literally physically pushed the guest out? If that's correct, then a writeup would be appropriate.

If the APL's actions did not involve physical bodily contact, but merely giving verbal directions to the guest to leave the premises, then I wonder if the guest accused the APL of something else (i.e. guest alleging the APL's actions were "racist")?