Archived Target terms you hate

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That's a weird one, never heard anyone refer to anyone doing FRO as anything other than their name or "who's getting that call/fitting room call."

I tend to call for LOD a lot instead of whoever's name fairly often, but mostly because either A) it's around the time where it tends to change and I'm not sure who it is on any given day/night, or B) Tends to get a response faster because it tends to be a loud-sounding word on a walkie.

Same here. I never know who could be LOD and I know I will get a faster response by just calling for LOD I mean I know it's not personal at all but unless I know for sure who it is I only call for LOD lol

The walkies aren't the best and everyone's voice sounds different sometimes just a couple days ago...I got mistaken for a TM that didn't work that day because my voice sounded like another Electronic's TM's voice haha now that was funny :)
Our store, is filled FILLED with people who will say ... "Can I get _an_ L.O.D. to guest services please?"

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! There may be multiple ETLs in the building but there's only one Leader On Duty at the time.

cheesy peesy

I know it's annoying but sometimes if you have keys and aren't LOD you may respond and go open the compactor, arm an alarm, etc. just to help out the LOD.

It also helps to say LOD Jane or whatever when you have several people with the same name, instead of saying "Senior Team Lead Jane" or whatever.
I don't either. I challenge anyone to explain it logically.
I was really debating about whether I should post on this thread, as I am very well studied on the topic of usage (I have a degree in English and am in the process of writing a paper independently on something of this very nature) but figured I might ruffle several feathers with my reply.. I can explain it very logically and even cite sources, but the grammar nazis are not going to like it...

The basic truth is that there is no such thing as correct grammar, 'not a word', or incorrect usage. If any part of a retort to that involves, "well, this grammar text says" or "well, this dictionary says,' then I'm afraid you've stumbled into the possibly the most widespread urban myth ever perpetrated =)
"Can I help you find something?" Proper English will tell you "May I help you find something?"

This is it for me. I actually had an ETL threaten to coach me for saying "May I help you find something?" Her case was that it's not brand, I said, "that's fair, but CIHYFS makes me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about." Eventually she just gave up and I have continued rocking MIHYFS.

The reason that Spot uses "Can I......" is because at Wally World their phrase (remember it used to be printed on their blue vests) is "MAY I help...."

Who would ever have thought that Spot would use incorrect grammar to separate themselves from Walmart?!?
I hate the phrase (slogan) that they've been using.....get your year in gear.
Years ago we used the phrase "Get your REAR in GEAR!" I can't help but laugh every time I read the slogan.
It's not brand.
What the hack is "BRAND" supposed to mean?
Isn't a brand a specific product?
Like "tissue" versus "KLEENEX"???
Or "bandage" versus "Band-aid."
And where did they get the term "up and up" for Target products? Up & up?? As in....we're finally being honest?!

I could go on...and know...go that "extra inch"
'brand'. ha.
i've said to a few people, 'brand' and 'functional' usually go in opposite directions.
for a while, having a log to keep track of hold items wasn't 'brand'. what the fuck.


also, "be you, be (bullseye)" that is just stellar advice if you're an awful, terrible person.
just be you.
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Bugs the crap out of me when people say

"we don't want anyone to go IN compliance, so take your lunches on time".

huh! Compliance is following the meal rule/law so you are IN it until you go out of it. Proper statement would be "we don't want anyone to go OUT OF compliance, so take your lunches on time".
Bugs the crap out of me when people say

"we don't want anyone to go IN compliance, so take your lunches on time".

huh! Compliance is following the meal rule/law so you are IN it until you go out of it. Proper statement would be "we don't want anyone to go OUT OF compliance, so take your lunches on time".

thank you. nice to know i'm not alone on this one.
I think that "buggy" is more of a southern at least that makes sense.
I grew up north of Pittsburgh and one of my first supervisors at Giant Eagle was from the PGH metro area. I heard "buggy" and "gumbands" (rubber bands) more than I would ever want to hear. In return, I called him "nebby" and a "jagoff". (Look 'em up).
Maybe it started out being "incompliant", then evolved to "in compliance". One day I thought that when someone said "infant basedecks" and people always say "infant basics", although I'm sure that one is correct.
I don't really have any terms that I hate but there are things that I hear on the walkie talkie that annoy me.
For example, I love it when a grumpy ETL uses "we" when they mean "you". I work in backroom and I will be the only human working in the backroom and they will say "backroom, are we on walkie". There is no we, you dummy. Please use the correct pronoun. I mean if you are going to be making the big bucks, shouldn't you know how to use pronouns correctly? I also love it when team member A will say something on the walkie talkie and then 1 minute, an ETL will say "team member A, are you on walkie".
The person just said something on their walkie talkie which would mean that yes they are on walkie talkie. I guess working in the backroom, you are more aware of what is said on the walkie talkie. As a way of dealing with the stress and pain that is working in the backroom of Target, I sometimes answer back outloud just to myself when people ask or say stupid things on the walkie talkie.
..... As a way of dealing with the stress and pain that is working in the backroom of Target, I sometimes answer back outloud just to myself when people ask or say stupid things on the walkie talkie.

a team lead was around when I did that one day, I forgot she was there...oops. But, in my defense the ETL asked "What do the reshop carts look like up front?" Same as anywhere else....they look like carts with reshop in them.
I grab two walkies if they have them so I can hear everything on channel 1.
..... As a way of dealing with the stress and pain that is working in the backroom of Target, I sometimes answer back outloud just to myself when people ask or say stupid things on the walkie talkie.

a team lead was around when I did that one day, I forgot she was there...oops. But, in my defense the ETL asked "What do the reshop carts look like up front?" Same as anywhere else....they look like carts with reshop in them.

I too do this 'answer back outloud' thing and ... apparently people have all drank the red kool-aid because there's not a lot of appreciation for snark at Spot. I got coached the other day for asking a TL 'What is a customer?' after a TM referred to someone as that.
Sometimes, when I'm sarcastically answering back on the walkie talkie outloud, I will give funny answers. Well, they are funny answers to me but I'm sure Target's precious guests would wet their pants if they heard what I said.
For example, an ETL can say "has team member A taken their meal" or "is team member A still in the building".
I sometimes respond by saying something like "no, he's dead. I killed him".
Our store, is filled FILLED with people who will say ... "Can I get _an_ L.O.D. to guest services please?"

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! There may be multiple ETLs in the building but there's only one Leader On Duty at the time.

cheesy peesy
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