Archived Target's Anti Union Video

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Oct 11, 2011
We all have seen them, some have seen an older version and some an updated version. When you have orientation at Target you are forced to watch a bunch of pointless videos, one of them being "Target Anti-Union" video. Which is determined to S fear into us TM's of unions, and while unions can be sketchy, the video that Target puts out every so often is full of BS!

here is the link to one the videos:

Tell me your thoughts
it's very good info and they are doing you a favor by making you watch it! Are you aware if you were unionized at target, the union would be denying you hours instead of the ETL's taking your hours away? On the basis that you couldn't be crosstrained for other areas! Everybody knows if we unionized, there is absolutely no way you could pick up hours in another department! Just stay unorganized and let the ETL's take your hours away.

Gotta go I here a loud knocking on my door...
All I know is every time they make me watch these video's it makes me want to run out and join a Union. Fairly impressive considering I don't particularly like unions.
All I know is every time they make me watch these video's it makes me want to run out and join a Union. Fairly impressive considering I don't particularly like unions.

This is so true. The only time I hear union talk is right after they make you watch those idiotic videos.
I worked in a grocery store chain while a member of a union, and we got annual guaranteed cost of living raises of $0.25. Pretty nice, and I'm impressed that they managed to accomplish that in Virginia, where the conservative hegemony has neutered unions.
My favorite part is how they say you wouldn't be able to talk directly to your TL and E's.
How many threads have we seen where TM's have screamed with frustration from not being listened to by their TL and E's?
Wouldn't it be nice to TM who is part of your union who has your back and that the E's have to listen to because they are the union rep?
Once upon a time --- Unions had their place ---

In some business's they still do --

With that typed --- spot is terrified of unions -- and he has the resources to replace "Everybody" ( that's "E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y" ) person who would be photographed on a picket line --

There will never be any unions at target --

But --- I would sign up in a New York minute :moil:
Pun intended?

Nope -- I would
As red11 said the last time they made us watch that video it mad the idea of joining a union very appealing,who comes up with this stuff.....
Yea, with what commiecorvus said, we are hardly listened to by our TL's or E's. They try to make these videos seem like management actually gives a rats ass about you, when the majority do not. So a union rep actually sounds better cause you could actually have some good communication with them. My ETL-LOG would ask us "how would you feel if we started doing this and this" and we would voice our viewpoints but those weren't logical in his mindset, so he just went with the exact opposite of what we said. Yea , you really wanted our opinion didn't you? 😛
What I find most hilarious of all was that this was supposed to be a Anti-Union video about the horrible things unions can do to team members because of the dealings they do.

They required team members to come in on their days off and view it for 30 minutes and then leave and for some people around here, that was a 20 miles drive. So they literally lost money that day working for Target. Good job headquarters!

I may exist in a state of Chaos but you exist in a state of the clueless.
I was a union member and actually an officer of the local lodge for over 12 years at my last job.

Be glad there are no unions at Target. All a union would do is put a barrier between you and your supervisors much worse than anything you can imagine.

Trust me on this one- Unions in a retail setting do more harm than good. Any pay raise you would get would be sucked up by union dues and being forced to buy into any 'insurance benefit' that the union decides to impose. Those dues would in turn go to support political candidates you may or may not like, but you have no say because the union knows what is best for you. Question the union and you will be blacklisted and any future support you may need from them will be minimal at best.

Last place I worked the monthly dues were equal to half a days pay for a new hire. Then the union gave everyone AD&D (which the company already provided for free) insurance for a small charge of 20 bucks a month. No choice, you had to pay if you worked there. Most of the union reps were guys who had worked there for decades and had no interest in the new guys, they just wanted to protect their own paycheck and screw everyone else.

If you wish you were in a union- beware of what you wish for.
Been both and will always take a union house hands down.
I was a union member and actually an officer of the local lodge for over 12 years at my last job.

Be glad there are no unions at Target. All a union would do is put a barrier between you and your supervisors much worse than anything you can imagine.

Trust me on this one- Unions in a retail setting do more harm than good. Any pay raise you would get would be sucked up by union dues and being forced to buy into any 'insurance benefit' that the union decides to impose. Those dues would in turn go to support political candidates you may or may not like, but you have no say because the union knows what is best for you. Question the union and you will be blacklisted and any future support you may need from them will be minimal at best.

Last place I worked the monthly dues were equal to half a days pay for a new hire. Then the union gave everyone AD&D (which the company already provided for free) insurance for a small charge of 20 bucks a month. No choice, you had to pay if you worked there. Most of the union reps were guys who had worked there for decades and had no interest in the new guys, they just wanted to protect their own paycheck and screw everyone else.

If you wish you were in a union- beware of what you wish for.

A barrier between me & my supervisors? Yeh, it's called indifference (theirs).
Buying into an 'insurance benefit' vs having them eliminated. Check.
Dues going to support candidates you may or may not like vs your CEO donating to a PAC that promotes a controversial candidate causing guests to harass workers who had no say in the matter & aren't allowed to talk to the media. Check that.
Old-timers who've worked there for decades looking out for their own paycheck vs old-timers getting coached out the door because they were making too much. 'kay.
Yep, unions in retail would be veddy, veddy bad.
I was a union member and actually an officer of the local lodge for over 12 years at my last job.

Be glad there are no unions at Target. All a union would do is put a barrier between you and your supervisors much worse than anything you can imagine.

Trust me on this one- Unions in a retail setting do more harm than good. Any pay raise you would get would be sucked up by union dues and being forced to buy into any 'insurance benefit' that the union decides to impose. Those dues would in turn go to support political candidates you may or may not like, but you have no say because the union knows what is best for you. Question the union and you will be blacklisted and any future support you may need from them will be minimal at best.

Last place I worked the monthly dues were equal to half a days pay for a new hire. Then the union gave everyone AD&D (which the company already provided for free) insurance for a small charge of 20 bucks a month. No choice, you had to pay if you worked there. Most of the union reps were guys who had worked there for decades and had no interest in the new guys, they just wanted to protect their own paycheck and screw everyone else.

If you wish you were in a union- beware of what you wish for.

Im not a fan of Unions at all, but Target corporate has certainly has earned one.
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