To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOTM: Don't talk about how you've been told you can step back and not worry about doing other peoples' jobs for them then turn right around and try to tell me how to do mine. I know I'm doing a shit job right now but that is my problem, not yours.
you like to get other people to do your job, you've been called out on it multiple times now by our STL in our department. today was the final straw and you were chewed out AGAIN because you didn't wanna do your job and instead made me do it. i do not feel one bit bad for telling our STL about it. learn from this and get better, if not then bye.
TTOTM: Our ETL asked you if you'd like cross training and you turned her down?? I jumped at the chance for cross training when I was a new tm. I am now one of the most global people at my store and I love it. It makes coming to work a little more tolerable because I get some variety in my days. You can't think of ANY work center you want to learn?? Maybe I'm the weird one for wanting to learn everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TTOTM: Our ETL asked you if you'd like cross training and you turned her down?? I jumped at the chance for cross training when I was a new tm. I am now one of the most global people at my store and I love it. It makes coming to work a little more tolerable because I get some variety in my days. You can't think of ANY work center you want to learn?? Maybe I'm the weird one for wanting to learn everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im the same. im pretty global in that i can work pretty much anywhere. and now that they're teaching us market folks how to backstock, pull, etc, it's getting to be even more global. as of right now im hardlines, cashier, plano, guest services, cart attendant, instocks and market trained.
TTOTM: Our ETL asked you if you'd like cross training and you turned her down?? I jumped at the chance for cross training when I was a new tm. I am now one of the most global people at my store and I love it. It makes coming to work a little more tolerable because I get some variety in my days. You can't think of ANY work center you want to learn?? Maybe I'm the weird one for wanting to learn everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's not really a choice. Our stl has pretty much said if you can't or won't task and guest service or learn all the things gtfo.
TTOLOD: You knew I was electronics, yet you made sure I was always a first responder even before CLOSING FUCKING HARDLINES?! What the fuck, this is why nobody fucking likes you. Choke, you slutbag.
Tto male tm- I don't know who you are. I don't know why you do it . I am tired of you peeing all over the bathroom floor. I find it disgusting to have to try to find a dry place to stand just so I can use the bathroom. The toilet is pretty big so I am not sure how you are missing it . Do you even try>? Do we need to put cheerios in the toilet for you to practice your aim with ?

Quit asking me to put non-HL items away or HL items on the complete opposite side of the store. You have a very bad reputation and you refuse to listen to anyone even the STL. I think your crazy when you complain about other people doing the-same-exact thing you do.
no one likes cashiering, also no one likes to have split shifts with cashiering cutting into our regular shifts. STOP GIVING ME THREE FUCKING HOURS OF CASHERING BEFORE MY SHIFT I DONT WANT THEM. ID RATHER LOSE HOURS THAN CASHIER.
TTtwoOvernightTLs: Thank you for being the buffer between the ETLs and us TMs. I didn't realize how important you both were until neither of you were there for a couple nights and the ETLs had NO idea how to delegate the TMs to balance the workload. It just disintegrates morale when that happens, as those that work hard are rewarded with extra work. I don't know how you balance it out to make us feel like we are all part of a team...but the ETLs did not do that, at all.
TTtwoOvernightTLs: Thank you for being the buffer between the ETLs and us TMs. I didn't realize how important you both were until neither of you were there for a couple nights and the ETLs had NO idea how to delegate the TMs to balance the workload. It just disintegrates morale when that happens, as those that work hard are rewarded with extra work. I don't know how you balance it out to make us feel like we are all part of a team...but the ETLs did not do that, at all.
it unfortunately happens even during the day side. whenever any TL is gone the ETLs tend to not know what to do. the team members usually take it upon themselves to figure it out and we always assign someone to be a temp TL for the day. the ETLs dont care because they can now go sit and do nothing.
TTOGSATL: You suck. Alot. Several of us want to quit because of you. You where pretty bad as a GSA. But when you were FATL you were fine. But now that your back as a GSATL you make everybody super salty. Yelling at me because I didn't hand out any phamplets is complete and utter fucking bullshit. Fucking quit and leave. Nobody likes you.

End rant.
Ttotm. Throwing handfuls of product on any empty shelf then zoning to cover it up is not working the pull. Have the hours and attitudes come to this?
To all of the team members who think they're invincible.... good luck. You work for a huge company. All eyes are always on you. No matter what day, what hour, how many times a day, what eyes, they are always watching you. You can go ahead and do stupid shit all you want, but just know everyone is watching. Corporate is watching. You're also already getting paid hella money and you do stupid shit. Like ok, werk.
To the Plano Team:

Y'all need to get retrained or something because these 2 aisles I audited are beyond saving. Not only were there missing signs, backing paper and dividers but both aisles are incorrectly set (supposed to be STANDARD aisle but in REVERSE instead and vice versa).

Do you need help reading a planogram? Because I'm not fixing that.

TTOPPTL: How did this happen on your watch? You talk about us leaving extra work for your team but nonsense like this happens.

I HAVE NEVER MET SOMEONE SO SLOW IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! How are you employed? How are you not fired?! HOW ARE YOU NOT FIRED OUT OF A CANNON! It was excruciating watching you handle each item and bag it one by one. Then you pulled up your sleeves, and I swear it took you a minute per sleeve to get them up. You would not be a cashier if you were working in my store.
TTOTM ....that means maybe 2 TMs ...that took my my device off the charges that was mine and clearly had a note on it that said :Hold for Qmosqueen"
I had 2 deferent one on the charger and charging i made sure and both happened to be gone when i got back to get it after 1 hour of charging.

First i put mydevice 12 on the charger when i got back mydevice 19 was there with my note.
It wasn't charging so i wiggled it and got it to charge.
1 hour later i go back and no mydevices , damn lost 2 in one day !!

FUCK YOU and fuck you again !!
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