Archived What's the grossest thing you have ever seen/ found at target?

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Shit trail across the front end. Some kid messed his pants leaving the bathroom and was too scared to tell his mom. The poop fell from his pants and continued to fall until they got to their register. Several people stepped on it unknowingly so it was tracked all around front end. It wasn't until 1 person looked down and declared there was shit on the floor did people notice where the smell was coming from. It smelled for 2 hours. I never hated being a cashier so much then at very moment.
At least you weren't a Cart Attendant. They really don't get paid enough.
Shit trail across the front end. Some kid messed his pants leaving the bathroom and was too scared to tell his mom. The poop fell from his pants and continued to fall until they got to their register. Several people stepped on it unknowingly so it was tracked all around front end. It wasn't until 1 person looked down and declared there was shit on the floor did people notice where the smell was coming from. It smelled for 2 hours. I never hated being a cashier so much then at very moment.
Omg. And I thought it was bad enough smelling a soiled diper across the checklane!
TMs and kids soiling themselves and leaving a trail?! :eek:

Man the worst I've seen is someone crapped their drawers and left them stuffed behind the toilet of the guest restroom.

Then there is the daily homeless guys taking a birdbath in the restrooms and stinking up the place. Once a guy rinsed his stinky socks and dried them with the hand dryer and stunk the place up pretty bad.o_O
At my favorite bar, overheard a server saying, that used diabetic sticks wee found on the floor under the table:(
TMs and kids soiling themselves and leaving a trail?! :eek:

Man the worst I've seen is someone crapped their drawers and left them stuffed behind the toilet of the guest restroom.

Then there is the daily homeless guys taking a birdbath in the restrooms and stinking up the place. Once a guy rinsed his stinky socks and dried them with the hand dryer and stunk the place up pretty bad.o_O

You guys have hand dryers??
When the store first opened we had the crappy kind but then maybe five years later we upgraded them to the ones that blow your skin off.
We have the ones that will skin you. The only ones I've seen that actually get your hands dry in a reasonable time.
I'm in a much older store. We still have the paper towels. But a store of similar age down the road has the hand dryers that sound like jets taking off.
And they're loud enough that they'll damage your eardrums and you'll lose your hearing.
We have blowers in the public bathroom and towels in the backroom one. After having ear infections as a child I hear a different range of sound and some frequencies really screw with me. I can't stand the blower noise. I'll walk to the retailer next door on break instead of using the public bathroom.
You don't have a bathroom in the backroom?
We have blowers in the public bathroom and towels in the backroom one. After having ear infections as a child I hear a different range of sound and some frequencies really screw with me. I can't stand the blower noise. I'll walk to the retailer next door on break instead of using the public bathroom.

Our store has a family bathroom that has paper towels, so I use that one because I have that same ear issue. Also, the fact most of those blowers blow the germ infested bathroom air back right on to your clean hands.
I was throwing away a paper towel in the rest room when I saw someones dirty underwear with poo poo stain -facepalm-
Re: Blow Dryers...
I've encountered the Dyson hand dryers (not at Target) and those things are amazing. I think every bathroom with a blow dryer should have the Dyson ones.
I was throwing away a paper towel in the rest room when I saw someones dirty underwear with poo poo stain -facepalm-
Well at least it was in the trash and not on the floor or clogging a toilet.
Some of the messes people leave in the carts make you wonder from what godawful household these people come from. People seem to treat their carts as their own personal traveling trash can after a meal at food ave. We get the weekly cart drenched from top to bottom in marinara sauce. The grossest thing I've seen though is a trail of poop leading from electronics around the wii demo down to the restroom up front. Mysterious trails of poop and marinera-sauce concoctions are actual a common occurrence at my store.
Hahaha, well a few things...

- Someone just dropped a deuce in one of the chemical aisles (turned out it was a soccer mom in her mid-40s believe it or not, after seeing her on camera)
- I got stuck on cart duty one day after callouts and someone had left three smelly dirty diapers in one of the carts outside. It was lovely to say the least.
- Someone decided to be a prick and took a pound of meat and stuck it in a cooler in sporting goods, so needless to say, it wasn't a pretty sight when we found it
- I found a package of Oscar Mayer turkey that was stuck in the very back of the bottom shelf. When I pulled it out, it had expired 10 months prior (I found this during my second Market shift ever, no one ever checks dates on stuff like that). And obviously, the turkey was disgusting. It made me gag, one of the few times I've done that at Target
One of these in Toys. I about shit myself. I had no clue what it was at the time, but it looked vicious (if actually had huge pincers as it was the female version of this and held them wide open.. I ended up calling the LoD and we got it into a box and threw it into the compactor


If you guys had it boxed, why not just let it outside? Poor thing.....
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