Archived Young STL

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Salesfloor TL
Jun 4, 2016
My store just hired a new ETL and they're 23, so I was wondering what's the youngest someone has been an STL ?
Wow that's really young. I've always seen mid 40s in my area. Same with dtl
Youngest ETL: 22. Median ETL age in my 6+ years: ~25. Youngest STL: I think she was 25 when she started. Oldest STL I've had in the last 6 years was possibly 30, or upper 20s.
I was just wondering about that myself. I just found out that my STL is 34, and we're at least her 3rd store, and she is the first STL for this store, and we opened in October 2014.
How long is the typical STL assigned to each store?
My last STL was 29 and our store was her first. I know a former Etl from our store who is signed off for stls he's 28
I was just wondering about that myself. I just found out that my STL is 34, and we're at least her 3rd store, and she is the first STL for this store, and we opened in October 2014.
How long is the typical STL assigned to each store?
depends back in the day 18-24 months and they moved them around. Unless you were really good then you could stay in the store of your choice. I believe now it's based on performance
Huh. I thought STL's had a longer turnover rate; more like 3-4 years
In my district it's always been the 18-24 month rule with the exception of two stls that have been in their stores since open one is on 15 years the other on 8
My last STL was 30. Pretty sure he started as STL around 28. But he was booted and I guess our store was almost always at the bottom for everything in the district.

Current STL is probably late 30's and seems far more mentally/emotionally prepared for the position.

I was surprised when I found out a few of the ETLs are 1-2yrs younger than me...but I felt a lot better when a guest walked up to me and a group of 3 ETLs (2 of which are younger than me) and asked a technology question, and then turned to me and said "actually, you're young- do you know the answer?" :rolleyes:

I'm not sure the ETLs know I'm older than them, and the age difference is negligible, but as someone who has always been the youngest in every situation it did my heart good to be back in that position for a few seconds lol
We've had some pretty young STLs, too.....usually in their mid 20's. As for the length of normal circumstances....we had an STL for about six for about one year.....and our last STL was with us just over two years. I think that there are a lot of reasons for the STL turnover. Sometimes an STL is really great and has turned a store around and then they get moved a bit more frequently so they can fix other stores. If a store is in big trouble, a great STL can turn things around in the 18-24 month time frame.
I was surprised when I found out a few of the ETLs are 1-2yrs younger than me...but I felt a lot better when a guest walked up to me and a group of 3 ETLs (2 of which are younger than me) and asked a technology question, and then turned to me and said "actually, you're young- do you know the answer?" :rolleyes:

I'm not sure the ETLs know I'm older than them, and the age difference is negligible, but as someone who has always been the youngest in every situation it did my heart good to be back in that position for a few seconds lol
I was surprised my STL is so young. I would have guessed closer to 38 rather than 34.
As far as ETL's, there is one at least a year younger than I am, and my ETL is only 5 months older than me. The rest are two or three years older.
My store --STL and 2 of the 3 ETLs are all late 40s. The other ETL is mid 20s.
All 3 STLs I've worked under have been at least in their 30s. I would guess that most of our ETLs are in their 30s as well.
At my old store all the ETL's were about mid 30's never that young. If I was 23 and an STL at Target I would shoot myself in the foot. Those people have no life they're literally always at the store even when they're not at the store.
I haven't even worked 1 year at Target and we are on STL #3. All in their early 30's. I didn't care for the last one. I like the new one, he is very involved unlike the last one and works hard to improve everything.
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