Archived Your Best Job/Task at Target

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Jun 15, 2011
I am long since gone from the wrath of the Bullseye but it was probably my favorite job only because it is constantly changing thus constantly new-ish things to do.

Don't get me wrong, I hated when payroll was cut to nothing when there were less than a dozen or so closers for the night (coming from an A volume store) which meant less people to do the same amount of work.

Yet, one summer, my store went through right-sizing if I remember the term correctly which was an overhaul of the entire salesfloor to make room for added grocery. Our efforts were in vain since a total remodel happened two years later but regardless.

I was on a team of maybe 8 to relocate product to temporary areas in a semi-planogrammed fashion only to rip it all out a month later. It was six or eight weeks overnight and a blast.

One exec and one team lead were involved but they were cool with however it got down as long as it was on time.

Sometimes, I miss the salesplanners and other organization I could come up with on my own. But then I remember the cut-to-the-bone hours and I am grateful that is my past, not my future.

What other cool tasks have you guys been involved with?
Working after an earthquake happened in my store. My store got extra hours cause of that. I remembered I took every shift I could and was working about 10-12 hours a day for about six days and the ETL's didn't care about OT. And can't forget planorama. Thats the best thing to take advantage. Full forty , they feed you and it's always stress free since there are so many tm's.
I have OCD a bit so I love zoning to planogram! When I first came to Target in 08 I remember saying that the air freshener aisle is a mess. I tore that thing apart and zoned it to planogram. The LOD and my TL was floored. "That hasn't been that way since the store opened!" I got GTH a month later.
I like Planorama. Setting planograms all day. Meeting people from other stores. No guests to bother you. No demerch or POGs to stock.
I love planorama too bad there isn't any new openings near us. I did planorama a year ago and we got 10 hrs and loved the no guests bugging us and we got free lunch. Pretty sweet actually.....
I have OCD a bit so I love zoning to planogram! When I first came to Target in 08 I remember saying that the air freshener aisle is a mess. I tore that thing apart and zoned it to planogram. The LOD and my TL was floored. "That hasn't been that way since the store opened!" I got GTH a month later.

Yeah I a zone like that too. Maybe not exactly to planogram but closer then any other TM(or TL for that matter) now that the TM who trained me is gone. The only difference from you is I get looked down upon by ETLs and some Tls. I usually get the zone done but my opinion is the zone needs to be done slower and properly(as close as you can get with time constraints ) rather than fast and no quality. My zones look great and the TLs/ETLs say it looks really good yet they complain about my speed. So when I listen to that complaint and take less time and pay less attention to quality they complain about the quality, So I really don't know what to do because you can't have both great speed and great quality with only one TM zoning. It really bothers me that I do my job correctly and get pestered for it.
316, would love to have you zone my store. If a TM sees an item on a peg & it looks the same, they'll put it there. No matter whether the #s match or even the description. Sometimes I think we have a bunch of kindergarteners that work at my store that don't know how to read. It can be frustrating.

Back to the topic, my favorite task was when I helped with a grand opening of another store. I was doing pulls & backstocking mostly. I was also helping the newbies if they had questions. At this point the store had been opened about a week, but had several TMs from other stores helping. Even a few STLs.
316, would love to have you zone my store. If a TM sees an item on a peg & it looks the same, they'll put it there. No matter whether the #s match or even the description. Sometimes I think we have a bunch of kindergarteners that work at my store that don't know how to read. It can be frustrating.

I hate that. I noticed that happening a lot since Christmas time last year at my store.
Making the FFF calendar for the Breakroom. I'm in no way artistic, but it's fun and easy.
When I close backroom and it's completely clean... I like to organize and condense the aisles. Plug my ipod in the stereo, crank it up, and low and pro/zone to my heart's content. I'm also a big fan of scraping stickers off the floor. It's the little things.
316, would love to have you zone my store. If a TM sees an item on a peg & it looks the same, they'll put it there. No matter whether the #s match or even the description. Sometimes I think we have a bunch of kindergarteners that work at my store that don't know how to read. It can be frustrating.

I hate that. I noticed that happening a lot since Christmas time last year at my store.

Like "One Spot"!
I loved working in market pre-Pfresh when I would have days where all I would do is FIFO and strip-rotation, if we were caught up on salesplanners for the week. Nobody bothered me, nothing was stressful, and it was fun in almost a morbid kind of way seeing how many scary outdates I could find. Ahh... the days when we actually had time to take proper care of our section... *tear*

I also worked on the dayside remodel team over this past summer, and even though our ETL-Remodel threw so many different things at us during the day, it was so cool to actually have a hand in all of the changes that happened. I learned a ton over those 3 months too; probably more than I had learned in my entire time prior to that. It was a lot of plano work, which was my favorite thing to do besides market back then. Probably got the greatest sense of accomplishment from getting a huge set completed and making a section or a couple of aisles look great.
I have a few areas that I like to keep filled and super zoned. One is cat litter, so if I've been gone for a few days, I'll shoot an EXF. That gives us room for when they send a PIPO pallet of an item that has a shelf capacity of 4!
I love going on a scavenger hunt for outdated stuff as well. Doesn't happen often enough outside of SDAs because morning shift they'll always have 6 different tasks they need me to do that aren't in my core roles, and closing shifts literally all they care about is zoning (not good zoning mind you, but as much zoning as 1 person can do in 40 aisles + backwall freezers/coolers. Usually they don't even want me to zone the pfresh valley itself)
I loved working in market pre-Pfresh when I would have days where all I would do is FIFO and strip-rotation, if we were caught up on salesplanners for the week. Nobody bothered me, nothing was stressful, and it was fun in almost a morbid kind of way seeing how many scary outdates I could find. Ahh... the days when we actually had time to take proper care of our section... *tear*

I miss pre-Pfresh market too. Man that was almost 5 years ago. One person could get through zoning dry and some of the frozen/dairy in one shift.
I loved working in market pre-Pfresh when I would have days where all I would do is FIFO and strip-rotation, if we were caught up on salesplanners for the week. Nobody bothered me, nothing was stressful, and it was fun in almost a morbid kind of way seeing how many scary outdates I could find. Ahh... the days when we actually had time to take proper care of our section... *tear*

I miss pre-Pfresh market too. Man that was almost 5 years ago. One person could get through zoning dry and some of the frozen/dairy in one shift.

Couldn't even tell you the last time I finished my zone in market. I just love how Target has pumped so much money into Pfresh, yet doesn't give Pfresh stores enough hours to properly maintain the section. We've been starting at 7am for the past 2-3 months... no deep culling done since then. 8 hour shifts being cut to 5 and 6 hours... no time for cleaning tasks or anything of actual importance (unlike zoning). I'm so glad I'm getting out.
I love Freshness Wednesday, the look on the STL's face whenever we find stuff months past the expiration date is priceless! 😛
Just being outside on a warm day getting to wear shorts, getting some walking in, and fetching carts on a nice day really does it for me. I still prefer being outside, even during winters or when it rains. Granted, I do get a bit irked when I hear about other people saying how cold they are when they are working inside on winter days. That's okay though because during the other 3 seasons, especially on really nice days, they all want to be outside and I get to! 😀

Minus a couple cold beers during the summer months I drink when I cut my grass, it's bliss.
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It's regularly over 110 during the day (sometimes as high as 120) here in the summer...I don't even want to think about that yet. Right now it's in the 70s and 80s, 60s after dark, it's nice.
I love when I can finish my zone, reshop, and backstock for toys two hours before I have to leave. At that point I just start pulling stuff from the backroom to fill it up.
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