
  1. S

    Archived So are we having this Amazon like sale this week?

    I am scheduled all this week in fulfillment for long closing shifts for this apparent big sale we are having for online orders, but have seen nothing on this forum about it. Anyone know about this, because I was blindsided with it half a week ago.
  2. checklane01

    Archived Target Deal Days vs. Prime Days

    I just realized that Target announced the “biggest sale of the Summer” on the same days as Amazon’s Prime Days, July 15th and 16th. One thing Target is really pushing is that you don’t need a membership, compared to Prime Days where a Prime account benefits. These are some of the “sneak peek”...
  3. S

    Archived The survival of Target

    Honestly, I don’t expect to see Target thriving any longer than a decade from here on out because of you know who. And that who is Amazon Go. Do you really think that people want to deal with the bullshit of having to rely on cashiers, stumbling with wallets and cash, and dealing with everything...
  4. can't touch this

    Archived If Amazon buys out Target, will you stick around?

    If rumors are to be believed, TGT execs are trying to artificially boost share value so they can get more cash in the eventual buyout. Who knows what the future will hold, but with Jeff “Rockefeller” Bezos on track to become the wealthiest person in human history, nothing would surprise me at...
  5. K

    Archived who else got their butts kicked on online orders today?

    trying to duke it out with amazon prime day was a nightmare. so. much. furniture. so many 4-5 order batches at a time. sooooo much non stop action. got it all done though. a sense of accomplishment for getting it all done, but getting through it was EXHAUSTING.
  6. Parker51

    Archived Whole Foods employees are 'crying' over stressful new workplace rules, report says

    Looks like a similar, though somewhat different, experiment with E2E type processes at Whole Foods is causing worker stress and product shortages: Whole Foods employees are 'crying' over stressful new workplace rules, report says -...
  7. T

    Archived Amazon warehouses

    How Many Taxpayer Dollars Is An Amazon Warehouse Job Worth? | HuffPost - We lost some of our best people to a new Amazon facility lately so I...
  8. Anelmi

    Archived In the news: Amazon (again)

    The Amazon vs. retail battle: Explained
  9. DoWork

    Archived Amazon bought Whole Foods

    5 Reasons Why Amazon Bought Whole Foods There's a variety of news out there on it. I'll be curious what they do with it. Amazon moves quick, so it won't take long to see. Also, Walmart bought a semi-high end clothing brand: Walmart is acquiring one of the hottest men's retailers for $310...
  10. F

    Archived Target trying to compete with Amazon

    If Target really wants to compete with Amazon with ship from store, they need to do a better job when it comes to picking and packing merchandise. I had several online returns these past couple days where the merch was damaged because it wasn't properly packed, items were defective or stained...
  11. Tarjayyy

    Archived Amazon Go!

    Just wondering what the spot will do to compete Amazon's grocery store of the future: No cashiers, no registers, no lines