Surely you jest: for me, it's called I live 200 miles away from my parents. It's also called graduate school. So summer? I've heard of it, but who cares? I am working 5 out of 7 days, barely have 2 days off in a row ever, and if I do, my parents are probably working the entire time themselves. We all work service industry...Dad gets specific days off, and are GENERALLY weekends, which I'm sure not getting.
Time off? Again, graduate school. From September to May, the only days I get off from work, school, internship will be Christmas and Thanksgiving. So I will make a 400 mile trip in one day if I have to...but if I have to work at midnight after Thanksgiving, no, I won't be able to. Even then, Dad's employer wil make him work part of the day, so my parents won't be able to come visit me.
Vacations? Wish I could afford the time off!
I don't get to see my family much due to the distance and our (mostly my) schedules. So don't you go judging those you don't know....especially when you've already proclaimed to have no family.