Archived Electronic Keys

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Nov 16, 2011
Hey, can anyone tell me if the keys for back in electronics work for all target stores or even just all of the stores in the same district or if they are specific to each target? Yesterday we lost about 5,000 in a theft from someone who had a skeleton key. I was just curious if it had to be someone from our store that took the key or if it's possible they got the key from somewhere else. They still have the key which makes it even more concerning.

ps.. merry christmas!
Hey, can anyone tell me if the keys for back in electronics work for all target stores or even just all of the stores in the same district or if they are specific to each target? Yesterday we lost about 5,000 in a theft from someone who had a skeleton key. I was just curious if it had to be someone from our store that took the key or if it's possible they got the key from somewhere else. They still have the key which makes it even more concerning.

ps.. merry christmas!

You say skeleton key, but do you mean the magnetic key? If it's the latter, yeah I'm pretty sure they could have stolen it from ANY target, seeing as the GSTL keys and Electronics magnetic keys are identical.
The black magnetic s3 key? Yeah, they're identical. They physical keys, though, are not interchangeable on a store-to-store basis.
Hey, can anyone tell me if the keys for back in electronics work for all target stores or even just all of the stores in the same district or if they are specific to each target? Yesterday we lost about 5,000 in a theft from someone who had a skeleton key. I was just curious if it had to be someone from our store that took the key or if it's possible they got the key from somewhere else. They still have the key which makes it even more concerning.

ps.. merry christmas!

How did they steal and what did they steal?
it wasn't the magnetic key.. they stole some ipads and i'm not sure what else went on.. an Electronics TM heard the ipad door slide open and knew where the other Electronics TM was and went running over there. He did recover one IPAD because he demanded that the guy give it to him.. he asked another guy for the IPAD back but he went running through softlines and got away. I just find it interesting that these "random" people had keys to our doors...
Depending on the display case, we had one guest take off 1 glass door, took games, & ran for the door. Key 6 is electronics key.
You'd need some kind of of a core key if you didn't have the specific key for the display door.
I don't imagine those would be easy to get.
it wasn't the magnetic key.. they stole some ipads and i'm not sure what else went on.. an Electronics TM heard the ipad door slide open and knew where the other Electronics TM was and went running over there. He did recover one IPAD because he demanded that the guy give it to him.. he asked another guy for the IPAD back but he went running through softlines and got away. I just find it interesting that these "random" people had keys to our doors...

they actually stole some electronic keys earlier this month at a buena park, ca store... they were warning tm at my store to be careful with any type of keys because they stole $10,000 worth of ipods and ect.
The magnetic key can actually be purchased from any number of places, my dad has one that he got from Home Depot. It's a big yellow one without the teeth but otherwise is identical. I tested it out one day and it works on the locking peghooks in the store.
Weren't the magnetic keys supposed to be reverse polarity so no one could use a random magnet to open the pegs?
The magnetic key can actually be purchased from any number of places, my dad has one that he got from Home Depot. It's a big yellow one without the teeth but otherwise is identical. I tested it out one day and it works on the locking peghooks in the store.

OOh, now THATS scary.
The magnetic key can actually be purchased from any number of places, my dad has one that he got from Home Depot. It's a big yellow one without the teeth but otherwise is identical. I tested it out one day and it works on the locking peghooks in the store.

Seriously? What use could anyone have for these, can you buy locking peghooks for your house or something?
No. It's just a magnet that has a common shape they sell.

Usually those magnets are used to pick up nails or really any iron based lifting. You can also take them on hikes and if a rock is attracted to it then you have a meteorite which is worth about $75 to $100 according to the discovery channel.
That's what I thought as well but recently our keys have started to fall out and as far I can tell, they aren't polarized.
It's not that the magnets aren't polarized, but that they're constructed in a way that's different from traditional magnets with a north and south pole. here's what Wikipedia says on it:
Unlike most conventional magnets that have distinct north and south poles, flat refrigerator magnets made from composite materials are often constructed with alternating north and south poles on the same surface of the plane; this can be felt by taking two similar (or identical) refrigerator magnets and sliding them against each other with the "magnetic" sides facing each other: the magnets will alternately repel and attract as they are moved a few millimeters. This construction gives twice the magnetism on one side and is thus more effective at keeping the large planar magnet uniformly stuck onto the steel refrigerator than a uniformly-polarized magnet would be. It is also responsible for making the front of the magnet (the picture side) nearly non-magnetic. The technical term for this arrangement is Halbach array.

You can't purchase a real Alpha S3 key as an individual, you have to be a retail company or similar with a federal tax identification number and a bunch of other documentation. It's weird that the one from Home Depot works on our peghooks... you should discreetly try it on a video game keeper.
HAHAHAHA what a sad forecast. Sorry you'll have like one SFTM and one cashier to take care of all that.
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