Archived ETL Randomly Switching TM's Workcenter

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Sarcastic Cashier
Jun 24, 2017
Can this happen?

My friend and fellow front-end slave was approached by our asshole ETL and told that she was going to be put in softlines for two weeks. He didn't even ask and just said it was going to happen despite her protests. She does NOT want to be there. She is a cashier and wants to remain at the front-end. What can she do?

By the way, he did the same to another cashier. Insist she pick up a few shifts then suddenly she is there permanently despite her hating softlines.
Yes, it can and does happen. Part of it may be Spot's wanting TMs to be more global. Now, ASANTS, but in my store TMs are being given hours in work centers for which they are not well suited. Bottom line is they're being set up to fail so that they can be performanced out.
Realistically, if your ETL sees her moving to softlines as something that’s in the best interest of the business, then that’s where she shall go. If she doesn’t do too well in softlines then she might get moved back, but she also might just get performanced out instead.
Have your friend look at the bright side. Higher pay, likely more hours, less people pulling money scams, and more skills to put on the resume that will get her out of Target and away from the ETL.

Getting away from some of these ETLs from Hell can be a great motivator...😂
Not sure if you're at a pilot, but I have noticed that with modernization, stores are less accommodating. I'd encourage her to try to see it as an opportunity (if for no other reason than her personal well-being). Most stores want TMs to be more global now. Is she good with guests? It's possible they want her out there to model good guest service. There are also fewer front end hours now, so at least she has hours. And she may end up loving it (particularly because it gets her away from said ETL).

I promise I haven't drunk the Target Kool-Aid. I make sure I do regular cleanses. ;). Spot's where I am for now, so when I encourage others to look at the bright side, I'm giving myself a little therapy, too.
Not sure if you're at a pilot, but I have noticed that with modernization, stores are less accommodating. I'd encourage her to try to see it as an opportunity (if for no other reason than her personal well-being). Most stores want TMs to be more global now. Is she good with guests? It's possible they want her out there to model good guest service. There are also fewer front end hours now, so at least she has hours. And she may end up loving it (particularly because it gets her away from said ETL).

I promise I haven't drunk the Target Kool-Aid. I make sure I do regular cleanses. ;). Spot's where I am for now, so when I encourage others to look at the bright side, I'm giving myself a little therapy, too.

Don’t ever drink the Target Kool-Aid.
Missed opportunity for some reverse psychology. "Wow, I really REALLY love it here in softlines! EVERY DAY IS A BLAST! SOooOo glad to get away from the front end! Golly, I sure hope [ETL] doesn't move me back to the front, that would just be THE WORST"
Getting away from some of these ETLs from Hell can be a great motivator...😂

Unfortunately he is also ETL softlines and she will be dealing with him more than ever, hence why she doesn't want to switch. I recently quit because I couldn't deal with his bullshit anymore. Another friend heard about me quitting and asked me to show him how to put in his two weeks on Workday. Everyone who isn't licking his ass can't stand him.

Anyway, thanks for the replies guys. I really think he is trying to performance her out. There is an opening at Starbucks in her neighborhood so we'll see what happens.
We have a couple ETLs that do this--schedule people from another work center in their area, and it irritates my ETL. Recently it was scheduling HL in SL because they'd lost a bunch of people to school and whatnot, HL doesn't have infinite people, either, and my ETL is always respectful of people's max hours so she gets pissed when her people get put over hours or she's expected to lose their hours to other work centers.
Cashiering at spot is gone anyway. The future is self checkouts. Yes it still requires people to watch over them but far less than it does to work lanes. This is the real way spot will afford to increase to $15/hr starting. Lol you really though you were going to make that cashiering? Nah. She should feel blessed she is getting a position that isnt going away.
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Cashiering at spot is gone anyway. The future is self checkouts. Yes it still requires people to watch over them but far less than it does to work lanes. This is the real way spot will afford to increase to $15/hr starting. Lol you really though you were going to make that cashiering? Nah. She should feel blessed she is getting a position that isnt going away.

Lol this is far from true, especially since we're pushing for guests to build their baskets. Most people aren't taking a full cart of shit through SCO.
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