Archived Items spider wrapped to a wire that says "see an associate"

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Dec 30, 2015
Does your store have certain items spider wrapped to a wire that says "see an associate"? At my store the robotic vacuum cleaners and mopping devices, certain headphones and the drones are spider wrapped to such.
They're tethers. We usually wrapped our very high-theft items onto them. For example, we kept getting hit for drones, so we tethered them to the shelf, which prevented a theft when our booster came back in. They're pretty effective provided the booster doesn't use something to cut them.
Our Candy Corn has that security system in place, because Candy Corn is delicious!! (Not witch's teeth though, those are unlocked... for opposite reasons)
We use them for Beats on our Beats end cap, Apple TVs that are located on the back wall of electronics, and laptops that did not call for a locking case. They are quite effective.

The only thing my store has found more effective outside of a locking case is a tier 4 video game case. We hung one up above our Beats locking case to store our Beats earbuds in after we got hit a few times. No more jerks stealing our Beats.
At a previous store I worked at, the electronics team kept finding beats headphones that were untethered. We kept telling our TL/ETL salesfloor about it, and eventually we found out who was doing it.

The TL flat out told the TM "if you don't tie these down properly from now on, I'm going to be under your bed when you go to sleep."

I like my current location, but sometimes I miss parts of my old team lol
At a previous store I worked at, the electronics team kept finding beats headphones that were untethered. We kept telling our TL/ETL salesfloor about it, and eventually we found out who was doing it.

The TL flat out told the TM "if you don't tie these down properly from now on, I'm going to be under your bed when you go to sleep."

I like my current location, but sometimes I miss parts of my old team lol

When a similar thing happened in the movie "Earnest Scared Stupid," I did not sleep for like two weeks!
The only thing my store has found more effective outside of a locking case is a tier 4 video game case. We hung one up above our Beats locking case to store our Beats earbuds in after we got hit a few times. No more jerks stealing our Beats.

Whaaa?? What is this, ive never seen/heard of it before.
Is that what those are called?
I just know them as the "super heavy video game case omg please dont make me lift it again"
we had some items so high theft at my store we had no representation on the salesfloor and all the product was in the backroom. It was easier to fetch it from the back than it was to unwrap a bunch of stuff from it.

Thats awesome! Don't think it would fly at my store though. Maybe if there was a way to take off the cable holder slots.
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