Archived Plano responsibilities

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I have a few questions regarding process' that both Plano and Instocks execute. Recently new leadership has taken over in stocks and is giving direction regarding researching that is different to what I was executing at my former store and now my current one.

Some background info at my store we have experienced massive leadership turnover and the in stock team and their process has not been consistent in the last year. Currently the team members who are assigned to in stocks report to the LOD for instructions and normally only complete the rigs on the mydevice and they do not have full understanding of what they are doing. Currently my plano team members are scanning research on the pogs they set when all stage and pog fills have been pushed for POGS they have set. If there is stage floating around and not pushed they will not scan it.

After a POG is set and all product for that POG stage/POG Fill is the Plano team reponsible to scan research the POG and what is the timeline for it to be scanned?

For new sets that are scanned , do you scan all the empty spots under research mode or do you only update the sales floor quantities to "0"?

When in research mode , if you key in "0" for an item when does that items on hand count updated in the system ?

If an item you scan in research had no product on the floor but has a location in the stock room which is then batched and pulled, does that item's oh hand count update to "0"

When researching and correcting the counts on items that are out of stock to "0" does the research you just executed order more product to be sent to the store ? Currently team members are being told when they change counts to "0" in research they are ordering product for the store .

Are the best practice/training guides updated and accurate on workbench for researching?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, it's a tad frustrating when new leadership is giving instruction and they admit they do not fully understand how the process works.
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After a POG is set and all product for that POG stage/POG Fill is the Plano team reponsible to scan research the POG and what is the timeline for it to be scanned?
I know this wasn't directed at me but I have a few answers coming from a green store. The POG team must scan research immediately after all product is pushed. That means the day of transition, as soon as you're done pushing. Incomplete push = no scan. If push is completed late or after the POG team is gone, you need to partner with the correct players to get your set researched accurately. (And I know that's nearly impossible in broken store)
I know this wasn't directed at me but I have a few answers coming from a green store. The POG team must scan research immediately after all product is pushed. That means the day of transition, as soon as you're done pushing. Incomplete push = no scan. If push is completed late or after the POG team is gone, you need to partner with the correct players to get your set researched accurately. (And I know that's nearly impossible in broken store)
Any feedback is appreciated. Coming from a very green store to a broken store I always question when someone gives me direction that is different from what I was trained to do.
We scan and zero all outs to ensure the product will eventually come in. If it's in the backroom, it will be pulled but the on hands won't change. Product with no BR locs WILL change on hands when researched. "On floor" will always change. The on hands may update within minutes (for less expensive, or higher margin items) or they may need to be researched again and again to take the new counts (for bigger prices, lower margins). We only scan once. Your team isn't exactly ordering new product, but when you adjust to lower on hands, the DC will accept those numbers as truth, and send you more product, unless it's discontinued. If you then find the "missing" product later on after new product is already on the way, you're causing surplus which leads to large amounts of clearance and lower profits. This is one of the reasons that accurate scans (and zones and flow processes) are so important company wide. You can't just have one, you need all three.
@PlanoFinn maybe you can convince your STL to let you skip most of your transition research until flow, backroom, and salesfloor are all put back together?
@PlanoFinn maybe you can convince your STL to let you skip most of your transition research until flow, backroom, and salesfloor are all put back together?
That will prolly not happen. It's nice to have confirmation on things are done correctly when "buisness college grads" attempt to involve themselves and give incorrect direction on process they do not understand.
@PlanoFinn maybe you can convince your STL to let you skip most of your transition research until flow, backroom, and salesfloor are all put back together?
That will prolly not happen. It's nice to have confirmation on things are done correctly when "business college grads" attempt to involve themselves and give incorrect direction on process they do not understand.

If that's the case, don't research. Just update SFQs instead. You don't want to change on-hand counts if there's product that isn't accounted for (i.e. unlocated product sitting in the backroom), but you need to fill the floor.
Somewhere along the way, the incoming transition products never get sorted at my current store. So, for example, when we set rear seasonal, unless we set the entire area in one day and push all the pallets, product for a specific aisle could be on any pallet.

And, it was funny tho year to start pushing those rear seasonal pallets and find bedding, stationery, etc, all mixed together.

Who sorts transition at your store? No one does at this one.
After a POG is set and all product for that POG stage/POG Fill is the Plano team reponsible to scan research the POG and what is the timeline for it to be scanned?
They are if your store's leadership says they are. My store's team does it just because our pricing and presentation team leader wants those outs filled with the correct DPCI as soon as possible.

For new sets that are scanned , do you scan all the empty spots under research mode or do you only update the sales floor quantities to "0"?
To perform research, you must do it under Research mode. Otherwise you are just adjusting the Salesfloor Quantity (SFQ) for a product you might not have (which would do absolutely nothing replenishment-wise if it turns out you do not have the product).

If you are just updating the SFQ in normal mode, it will create a EXF batch to be pulled if the on-floor count is below capacity. When I am doing things throughout the store I will often just update the SFQ of product in normal mode if I notice something is amiss and delete the batch it creates. The system will then handle replenishment of that product based on the more-accurate number I provided for the on-floor count.

When in research mode , if you key in "0" for an item when does that items on hand count updated in the system ?
In my experience, it has been 9 AM EST every morning. Providing that you scanned all locations for that DPCI, the count would either change or it would hit the Drastic Count Report and needs to be researched again to go through.

If an item you scan in research had no product on the floor but has a location in the stock room which is then batched and pulled, does that item's oh hand count update to "0"
That item's on-hand would change to the amount that was pulled from the stockroom plus any that remain in the stockroom.

When researching and correcting the counts on items that are out of stock to "0" does the research you just executed order more product to be sent to the store ? Currently team members are being told when they change counts to "0" in research they are ordering product for the store.
Yes and no. You are not exactly putting in an order for more to be sent, but you are telling the replenishment system that your store has 0 of that DPCI and the system will generate a need for the distribution center to send you more if it is necessary for your store to have that DPCI.

Are the best practice/training guides updated and accurate on workbench for researching?
They are fine to peruse. The information is still good. Research itself has not changed that much in the last year.
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@PlanoFinn I know we go back and forth between being told to do it and told not to depending on weather or not we finish our workload. AND how big the transition is and area.
So if it's like cosmetics the brand person does it. For its small appliances we do it but not until all the aisles are done and all the push is done on the last day and all the pallets are pushed AND the backroom is clean. If BR isn't clean then we just zero out the zeros. Kinda like telling corporate we know u didn't send us our shit, give it to us!! I expect for like grocery, we won't do it till Friday. Or they will yank insticks. There are just so many variables to it. And the reason you may be told no, is it affects numbers which affects the store, which in turn affects bonuses.... Etc
Which spotlights how OUT of TOUCH for 2016 this process is... from the DC manually stuffing box by box to build walls to the throwers ripping this down, etc.... think about the HUGE WASTE OF HOURS THERE thats 11 man hours right there! Where as probably 5 to 6 of that could be moved to actual push if the stuff was pre-palletized by custom block, and we just yank and attack.. no sorting, no down stacking... When my FDC team doesn't waste time downstacking stuff they get through so much more in 2 hours before the store opens than wasting 10 mins to downstack and then push..

This is one of the reasons RFID was explored by that other store, probably a DECADE ago... They may have not chosen to move forward with then.. for various reasons... but RFID has many advantages... but as is said many times... implementation, implementation...

Yeah... but the "Bash Flow" culture seems to permeate company wide.

Alot of the cutting of corners is from plain just lack of training. They don't know what to do so they guess.

Thats my point, it was more than likely put on the truck that way by the DC with a motorized pallet jack and/or fork/crown. Pallets of water on top of paper towels... pallets teetering on top of dog food pallets... :)

I've used a timer for so long its 2nd nature to just start it... but I am constantly look at the clock on the mytoy and then comparing where they are in the truck... The timer is nice for me as it makes a noise and vibrates if I get sidetracked by some other crisis like an explosion of market or SL ... I also thing a nice game of "beat the clock" is healthy for the team.. If different teams of throwers "throw down" to work faster and SAFELY, and we get done in 1 hr... thengreat...I am all for throwing food and other rewards at them more than just some "vibe card" and a good job comment, even if I do all of that too.. I am a big advocate of letting people know they did a good job.

I remember getting my Signing pallet on top of those papers the Front lanes uses to wrap glass objects...

Mine as well put it on an ice rink.
Who sorts transition at your store? No one does at this one.
We have a BRTM work the back side of the line and he sorts transition during the unload.

Previously a flow TM would do it, but they would consistently do it wrong and the BR would spend twice as long fixing it.
I'm confused when it says "0 on floor, 0 in back, 15 on Hand" where's the 15 then? That's never made sense to me.. If anyone can give me an idea since I'm on instocks and plano most of my up coming schedule.
I'm confused when it says "0 on floor, 0 in back, 15 on Hand" where's the 15 then? That's never made sense to me.. If anyone can give me an idea since I'm on instocks and plano most of my up coming schedule.
Is the 15 sitting on the shelf and the Sales Floor Quantity is not accurate (likely, especially with a recently-set aisle in a store that does not backstock transition when it comes in)? Is the 15 sitting unlocated somewhere in the backroom? Are you just missing 15 due to theft or other reasons?

As instocks, that is for you to figure out and decide whether to update the on hand count based on your findings.
Is the 15 sitting on the shelf and the Sales Floor Quantity is not accurate (likely, especially with a recently-set aisle in a store that does not backstock transition when it comes in)? Is the 15 sitting unlocated somewhere in the backroom? Are you just missing 15 due to theft or other reasons?

As instocks, that is for you to figure out and decide whether to update the on hand count based on your findings.
Yeah couldn't tell ya. We get trained on new work centers for 30 seconds usually lol and no one seems to know what the heck that on hand means
I'm confused when it says "0 on floor, 0 in back, 15 on Hand" where's the 15 then? That's never made sense to me.. If anyone can give me an idea since I'm on instocks and plano most of my up coming schedule.

Several possibilities:

** Mispick - item had the wrong pick label, product never actually came

** Didn't make it on the truck from the DC.... Product intended to be put on truck, but no room at the last minute (think this happens to pallets of Paper products)

** Flexing
- Item on floor somewhere, but not in a tied location. Could have been an old Endcap that is so old, the system no longer recognizes the location of the product..
- Someone "flexed" the item to an endcap to make it look full.
- Someone mis-stocked the item in the wrong location - think Creamy v. Crunchy Peanut Butter, He v. non He Laundry Soap

** Cashier error
- cashier rings out 10 different flavors of cat food as ONE flavor with a quantity of 10

** Theft
-- Attempted theft - item hidden in back pack with intention to be stolen, but thief changes mind.... item stays in back pack, ottoman, plastic tub, etc.

** Baffle in the BR
-- item sitting on a shelf in the BR, but not located

** Item just hanging out in the Transition steel, or otherwise not located in the BR - maybe on a tub

** Item merge error
- Item merges not completed correctly

** Item left in cart on sales floor - pushed in another location to "hide it"
- For example, Checklane endcap torn down, items in a shopping cart.... items pushed somewhere other than the correct spot... product sitting in a shopping cart

** Planogram or Sales Planner tied incorrectly.
- Should be tied to B1, team member accidentally hits "E1" there by breaking the tie, and all the product on E1 sits unlocated. See that with Endcaps, but also with aisles, especially with multiple POGs in one aisle.

** Backstocking incorrectly
- Each clothing size has a unique DPCI, normally. Back stock team member backstocks "XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL" shirts using ONE DPCI for XS
- Different DPCIs backstocked in the same WACO as ONE DPCI -- again think Crunchy Peanut Butter v. Creamy.

** Instocks or Inventory error
- RIG -- team member enters the incorrect amount on a RIG... due to poor zone or rushing
- Inventory night, person enters incorrect number for a DPCI due to poor zone, incompetence, or poor training -- see this with Coffe mugs in kitchen -- 12 different DPCIS entered as ONE DPCI with a qty of 12

** Strays
- Item left by guest or team member in the wrong area of the store

** Item stocked incorrectly
- Example -- stickers come on the truck with 3-4 sheets per pack - each sheet should be sold individually. Team member fails to remove the outer cellophane layer holding the pack together, and the guest buys the entire pack as "ONE" sticker sheet. Team member just tosses the unwrapped item/case pack on the shelf, and guest buys it thinking it is sold that way.

** Items not defected correctly. Thrown away, instead.
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